If there are any errors, objections, Stewards Inquiries or curly lips, let me know before Monday please, after which I'll send the names up to Leeds so they can be Registered for Tuesday's Turbo Open Main Event.
Please note the seats are not transferable, & are ONLY valid for The Turbo Tuesday on September 1st.
If there are any errors, objections, Stewards Inquiries or curly lips, let me know before Monday please, after which I'll send the names up to Leeds so they can be Registered for Tuesday's Turbo Open Main Event.
Please note the seats are not transferable, & are ONLY valid for The Turbo Tuesday on September 1st.
How close was i to winning a seat.
All the best.
Of the 7 winners who got Free Entry, only hhy cashed (£21.45) but I hope you all enjoyed the game.
Next time, right?
1) Go to "My Account" & view it there. Will take some sorting though, as it does not sort & collate.
2) Go to Sharkscope, type in your screen-name, click the drop down to "Sky Poker" then "Sit & Go's". Please note, Sky Poker do not endorse Sharkscope.