I'm want to buy a new laptop or desktop. I'm not really clued up on this sort of stuff. So if any of yoy techy guys know any good value and good machines could you let me know.
I'm looking to multi table up to 6 tables and my budget about £400.
If you have the space, I'd go for a desktop with 2 monitors. You won't need to 2 monitors for 6 tables, but it's really nice to have regardless. For the same price as a laptop, you'll get better performance, however, for that price, you should end up with something that will be more than enough for what you need.
I play on a laptop because I like to be able to play around the house (bedroom/living room/kitchen/conservatory), and I never really play more than 6 tables, which I find pretty easy to view on a laptop.
I'd think about what means more to you, and get whatever will be more convenient for you! If you do go for a laptop, the below seems like a good shout. I'm personally not a big fan of HP, but the spec seems about as good as you can get for the price.
Yeah that laptop is either the same or very similar to mine. I paid north of £400 in the January sales, so 350 seems a great price.
Was similar to OP in that I wanted something that could handle 6-10 tables comfortably, as my old laptop could barely do 4 without lag. It's not let me down, had no problems with it, and can happily run 8 tables with other pages like FB also up. Probably won't be a problem for OP but anymore than 8 tables is tricky simply due to how they are tiled. But I soon realised 8 tables was more than enough up for me anyway
As mentioned above, it depends if you want to move around the house? If yes then it has to be a laptop really.
The linked curry's laptop has a pretty low resolution (1366x768) so might struglle with muli tabling if not planning to use an external monitor - though others suggests around 6 tables but personally I'd feel restricted to 4 at that res? I'd keep any eye out for a laptop with a 1920 x 1080 screen, which with some digging can be found for £400. Don't think the laptop needs anything special for CPU/Memory. A low end i3 (or equivelant) with 4GB RAM should do the job. Oh and recommed a windows device if you dabble in other poker rooms as a number of poker client software is still Windows only.
Might be worth noting more details on your requriements in another post
As mentioned above, it depends if you want to move around the house? If yes then it has to be a laptop really. The linked curry's laptop has a pretty low resolution (1366x768) so might struglle with muli tabling if not planning to use an external monitor - though others suggests around 6 tables but personally I'd feel restricted to 4 at that res? I'd keep any eye out for a laptop with a 1920 x 1080 screen, which with some digging can be found for £400. Don't think the laptop needs anything special for CPU/Memory. A low end i3 (or equivelant) with 4GB RAM should do the job. Oh and recommed a windows device if you dabble in other poker rooms as a number of poker client software is still Windows only. Might be worth noting more details on your requriements in another post Posted by WAOOGA
Very good point. My old laptop was Full HD, with the same size screen. I've recently bought a new laptop with the same resolution as the suggestion and although I've had no problems being able to see everything, the old laptop certainly looked better.
In Response to Re: Laptop or Desktop : Very good point. My old laptop was Full HD, with the same size screen. I've recently bought a new laptop with the same resolution as the suggestion and although I've had no problems being able to see everything, the old laptop certainly looked better. Posted by Sky_JP
As you say it's best to think about what you really need, as with a budget it's likely something will miss the price point unfortunatley
Other recommendation would be to wander into curry's and try before you buy if possible. Sometimes the trackpads can be pretty much unusable. Then there is the risk that you see how nice a laptop with an IPS screen looks and before you know whats happened you've spent £900!
Then again this is an investment that should pay for itself over time - depending on how well you run
i use a samsung laptop (£160 off gumtree) wireless key board and mouse and have it hooked into my 52inch tv... whole set up cost about £160 as I already had the tv.
The laptop is about 3 years old and I have played 24 tables without any lag etc
In Response to Re: Laptop or Desktop : As you say it's best to think about what you really need, as with a budget it's likely something will miss the price point unfortunatley If the OP dosesn't mind refurbs then http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/lenovo-z50-refurbished-15-6-laptop-white-10108705-pdt.html looks ok. Other recommendation would be to wander into curry's and try before you buy if possible. Sometimes the trackpads can be pretty much unusable. Then there is the risk that you see how nice a laptop with an IPS screen looks and before you know whats happened you've spent £900! Then again this is an investment that should pay for itself over time - depending on how well you run Posted by WAOOGA
Just don't let them drag you over to they're offer of the week, which is likely going to be a software bundle with a laptop unable to handle the origional Sims game.
Ordered online and was with me in 2 days, easy to set up and is as fast as u like. No need to spend more than £400 and u could always call them to ask their advice. 3 year warranty as standard as well.
go for 1 that can have 2 monitors, you can pick up 2nd hand monitor for 15 quid
Was similar to OP in that I wanted something that could handle 6-10 tables comfortably, as my old laptop could barely do 4 without lag. It's not let me down, had no problems with it, and can happily run 8 tables with other pages like FB also up. Probably won't be a problem for OP but anymore than 8 tables is tricky simply due to how they are tiled. But I soon realised 8 tables was more than enough up for me anyway
The linked curry's laptop has a pretty low resolution (1366x768) so might struglle with muli tabling if not planning to use an external monitor - though others suggests around 6 tables but personally I'd feel restricted to 4 at that res? I'd keep any eye out for a laptop with a 1920 x 1080 screen, which with some digging can be found for £400. Don't think the laptop needs anything special for CPU/Memory. A low end i3 (or equivelant) with 4GB RAM should do the job. Oh and recommed a windows device if you dabble in other poker rooms as a number of poker client software is still Windows only.
Might be worth noting more details on your requriements in another post
If the OP dosesn't mind refurbs then http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/lenovo-z50-refurbished-15-6-laptop-white-10108705-pdt.html looks ok.
Other recommendation would be to wander into curry's and try before you buy if possible. Sometimes the trackpads can be pretty much unusable. Then there is the risk that you see how nice a laptop with an IPS screen looks and before you know whats happened you've spent £900!
Then again this is an investment that should pay for itself over time - depending on how well you run