This is a Poker Tournament happening in the Rainbow Casino in Bristol this weekend. Just wanted to know if there was anyone in the area that might be going? Would be cool to meet up with a few of you if that's the case.
For those that don't know, the vital stats:
Buy-In: £50+£5
Game: NLHE, one re-entry allowed per day
Guaranteed Prize Pool: £10,000
Starting Stack: 25,000
Blind Timer: 30 minutes
Day 1A: Friday 4th September 7pm start
Day 1B: Saturday 5th September 1pm start
Day 1C: Saturday 5th September 7pm start
Day 2: Sunday 6th September 1pm start
I'll be playing Day 1C and hopefully day 2!! Will be good to see some Sky folk there so post in here if you're planning on coming along and when.
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