last night a TPT player (who I won't name) decided it would be hilarious if on a board of 2 A K 5 2 would slowroll my kings full with rivered quads. When the rest of the table had a go at him after I busted he said " my chipstack tells a story". What gets my goat is that nothing seems to get done about these blatant A holes. Since I'm still seething, is slowrolling an all-in player ever acceptable? There is no chat history by the way...
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I'd have laughed it off immediately with zero steaming. Don't let other peoples silly mind games get to you. Life is too short. Rise above it and move onto the next game.
Seriously, people play however they want to-anyone getting mad at this is tilting money away, though can see the point of getting even...obviously, slowrolling acegooner is almost compulsory.