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This is why I love this place.......



  • TwoAnchorsTwoAnchors Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place....... : Some people pay good money for that sort of thing !
    Posted by VespaPX

    Trust me ... I've just checked recent ROI and I've been paying more than enough for the service!

  • TwoAnchorsTwoAnchors Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2015
    Just to be clear - I meant Gentleman's Club from an atmospheric point of view rather than who was allowed in!  I'd like to see more ladies playing on Sky and everywhere else.

    Phew!  Been having a worry that I may have been misunderstood there.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    Just to be clear - I meant Gentleman's Club from an atmospheric point of view rather than who was allowed in!  I'd like to see more ladies playing on Sky and everywhere else. Phew!  Been having a worry that I may have been misunderstood there.
    Posted by TwoAnchors
    I love the atmosphere in my local gentleman's club. It's why I frequent it on a regular basis. Just don't get that atmosphere in other establishments.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143
    edited September 2015

    As Mr Rhino's thread revealed just how many regulars here help out guys like him - which was a real revelation, & one you should all be proud of - Sky Poker have given Rhino11 a Free Entry into tonight's Turbo Tuesday Main Event.

    I have written to him this morning to tell him, but he may not see it in time, so if any of you guys know him, or have him on Facebook or whatever, can you please make sure he is aware? Thanks.
    I was going to ask some of you to rail him tonight, too, but there's no need - I'm certain you will.
    Please wish him the best of luck from me, & explain that I'm working tonight, so can't rail him, but I hope he enjoys the experience, & has a fun night.
    This stuff only happens on Sky Poker.
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited September 2015
    Good morning Sir Tikay.
    Rhino sometimes plays the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack, if he is playing today, i will let him know.
    All the best.
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited September 2015
    wd rm we all try & play ur tourny when we can man will look out for rh on the tables & rail him tonight ty tk
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    Good morning Sir Tikay. Rhino sometimes plays the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack, if he is playing today, i will let him know. All the best. Rainman397
    Posted by rainman397

    Or maybe Tikay could pop alng and play the 2.20 today?????? Get a big field on the go!
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited September 2015
    would be good
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited September 2015
    Exceelent idea, but i think Sir Tikay is busy today.
    All the best.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    Exceelent idea, but i think Sir Tikay is busy today. All the best. Rainman397
    Posted by rainman397
    Yes, am doing tonight's Show, but I will certainly be joining you one of these afternoons in the near future.
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited September 2015
    Excellent  news, no luck finding Rhino, think he is having a day off.
    All the best.
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited September 2015
    yes you just did & i've just been knocked out lol gl rm
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited September 2015
    good evening Sir Tikay.
    Rhino has reg for the freerolls at 7.00 and 7.30, so will tell him the good news.
    All the best.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    As Mr Rhino's thread revealed just how many regulars here help out guys like him - which was a real revelation, & one you should all be proud of - Sky Poker have given Rhino11 a Free Entry into tonight's Turbo Tuesday Main Event. I have written to him this morning to tell him, but he may not see it in time, so if any of you guys know him, or have him on Facebook or whatever, can you please make sure he is aware? Thanks.   I was going to ask some of you to rail him tonight, too, but there's no need - I'm certain you will.   Please wish him the best of luck from me, & explain that I'm working tonight, so can't rail him, but I hope he enjoys the experience, & has a fun night.   This stuff only happens on Sky Poker.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    What a very nice gesture Tikay, I would love to rail tonight but I will be out rocking the night away and having fun and getting up to mischief. I am always on the rail as you may know, apparently chat explodes when I'm on. Is that good or bad I dont know. But I have fun either way. Good luck tonight to Rhino and to you all. I hope you run golden and run deep. Will check see if he's still in when get back.
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited September 2015
    Very nice gesture Tikay from yourself and Sky - I'm sure you probably prompted them lol

    Hope Rhino runs golden tonight in Turbo - I will try to find him soon but my find a player seems to be playing up as it just comes up with blank screen.

    Also like to agree that Sky players seem to be a bunch apart from other sites.  Lots of help, advice and encouragement on this site - not like the almost death threats I seem to invite on other sites..................
  • simopeterssimopeters Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2015
    In Response to This is why I love this place.......:
    I was playing the Rewards Freeroll last night. I earn my points, & I'm on a challenge, so I play it because I earned it, & so any profits (a whole £16 so far) get added to my total.   As per, I said "hi, gl all" to the table. A chap "rhono11" or similar (had some numbers behind the name, field address was Pudsey) replied "are you the old bloke off the telly?", bla bla, & so we got chatting. He said "I'm surprised a big shot like you chats to little folks like us".   And so it went on. He seemed a lovely guy, just sitting there enjoying his Freeroll. Then he suddenly said "do you know Matt Bates?" "Yes yes". "Well", he continued, "I had a funny hand against him last week, & I wrote to him about it. And guess what - he replied to me, & explained how to play the hand effectively".   Ain't that great? Elsewhere, the Pros are bickering about HUD's, "fish", & this that & the other, seemingly oblivious to the fact that us so-called "fish" are their customers, we are their income.  My view is that the Pros & top players (Matt is not a Pro as such) SHOULD do things like that. Similar to the Trickett SNG @ DTD (thanks to Maxally).    Anyway, well played Matt Bates. Poker will be fine if more of those top players had that attitude. And I see plenty of it here, on Sky Poker.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    very inspirational, there are a few bad eggs on the tables though, one gave me a ripping into earlier for playing bad, maybe you could have little stars on your avatar showing how long you have been playing so us learners are given some leeway.

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    In Response to This is why I love this place....... : very inspirational, there are a few bad eggs on the tables though, one gave me a ripping into earlier for playing bad, maybe you could have little stars on your avatar showing how long you have been playing so us learners are given some leeway. simon
    Posted by simopeters
    Sorry to hear this Simon, shame wasn't on your table as would have put them right. There in my eyes no right or wrong way to play a hand, each player plays differently and has different strengths and weaknesses. Constructive critisism when asked for it can be helpful, but I do not agree with ripping into any player for seemingly bad play. I take it they lost a lot of chips to you? I sometimes get ripped into as well but I take it all with a pinch of salt. Most of players I play now are used to my game or try and figure out how I play cos am usually changing it up or down.  I play my game my way good or bad play it's my way and no one elses. If everyone played poker by the books it would be boring. Keep your chin up and don't let them bother you. Don't rise to them either or give them any more ammunition. Keep doing what your doing. Good luck on the tables
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: This is why I love this place.......:
    In Response to This is why I love this place....... : very inspirational, there are a few bad eggs on the tables though, one gave me a ripping into earlier for playing bad, maybe you could have little stars on your avatar showing how long you have been playing so us learners are given some leeway. simon
    Posted by simopeters
    Good morning simopeters.
    Welcome to the forum, sorry to hear you had a bad experience at the tables,
    You pay your money and can play any way you like, if you are available try the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack it runs every afternoon, and 99% of players are very helpful and fun to play.
    If you pm me i can send you the book THE MENTAL GAME OF POKER,
    All the best.
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited September 2015
    yes wd rm you just did see you in todays 220@220
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2015

     I was sort of hoping the guy was gonna say...

     "Anyway that Bates said I should have just called the 3-bet with an AJ" "I mean what an absolute donk, it's obv with the range the guy was repping I am in a clear 4b 6b spot" "The regs on here are such morons" etc etc
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