Frustrating times - flat batteries / missing leads / corrupt SD cards/ builders working outside
Plus the ball machine is a bit noisy - not sure about the sound levels - you might just have to watch it on mute.
Anyway - ran out of time to record a full draw. I might be able to do it this evening (doubtful) or tomorrow afternoon.
Won't risk twitch this time - will just record and put on youtube.
I did write to my favourite poker personality to try and get some star appeal for the draw...
"Dear Victoria,
I think you are amazing. I have read your autobiography and I even watch only connect just to see you and hear your voice although I haven't got a clue what is going on.
It would be a great honour if you could come to my house and draw my balls for me.
Yours truly
oddly she didn't reply - I think she must be busy or maybe David was jealous and wouldn't let her do it?
Anyway I did persist with other poker personalities and I am delighted to say I have a special guest lined up (fingers crossed).
You are a master of tact and guile Phantom. Fantastic effort to solve a smallish problem. (As long as I do not end up as the Havant and Waterlooville vs. Manchester United in this scenario) Nick
All the best.
How can I get in Phantom?
No. Don't do that on my account. Same rules for everyone. I'll take my chance.
Could we get 128 players?
defo in... the 10th top british player of all time
You are a master of tact and guile Phantom.
Fantastic effort to solve a smallish problem.
(As long as I do not end up as the Havant and Waterlooville vs. Manchester United in this scenario)