I've mentioned it on my diary recently but finally decided to come out of Twitch retirement and get back on it. Just incase you haven't already got it bookmarked or set as your homepage

here's my Twitch link again...
There are a few of my older vids still stored on there if you wanna look, a few FTs and bits of 100NL on sky.
So I'll first be going live again around 10-10:30am on Wednesday 23rd of Sept and starting out doing about 2 hours probably but this time I was gonna let people choose what I play. I'm pretty confident in all formats of NLHE and it's just supposed to be fun. I haven't got a clue what I'm doing at PLO so I don't fancy playing cash or HU SnGs but I'll give DYMs a spin if people want.
Fwiw, I've left out MTTs from the list just because that stream I'm only doing for a couple of hours so I'd never be able to get any MTTs finished during that time, and obv the exciting bit is the end bit when you FT/win

Whatever gets the most votes here is what I'll start off playing on Wednesday, then if people in the chatbox fancy something different we can change throughout, just see what happens but I'm easy.
Would be interesting to see some reg v reg battles at the cash table, how things can deviate from the 'standard' lines that are used when facing less competent unknowns.
Or a couple of hours of some rule driven games eg must play 100% of buttons, must 3bet every steal from a BB etc although appreciate that may be a bit tougher to implement unless you can be certain you aren't getting targeted by oppos that know that in advance!
Cheers for the votes so far.
It looks like cash is gonna be the resounding winner unless there's a big swing by tomorrow. I was chatting to a few of the sky guys on FB last night, and Dohhh is still moaning about how tough it is nowadays to move up the stakes on Sky from the micros with the hefty rake, and AJ_Rockets suggested I do a 'runitup' style thing.