Cheers again for support all, got up to 33 viewers today which is pretty good for early hours of the morning, especially as it's only my 2nd stream for ages. Hopefully it keeps going up, don't forget to follow me on there for notifications of when I go live. You can also watch back old streams on there too.
Felt like I should fold river, the CIB is just always value and so hard for it to be a worse value hand, but then pretty hard for him to have better too. I even said on stream 'it must be JT' before calling lol
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Straight to the Jack
And here's the biggest winning hand of the session...
Villian had been crazy loose and crazy aggressive so yeh not much to say really, is pretty standard.
Enjoyed the session and lasted it without a green tag which I'll take as a badge of honour.
Spinups for next time then?
I just tried to rewatch our 1st HU hand [J9 allin on river] (in fact I think it was the only hand we really clashed on) as I wanted to hear your commentary on it but it was bang in the middle of a muted section. There must be some kind of autodetect in place for copyrighted music or something? Seems odd you can stream what you want on spotify but not rebroadcast it?
Would have been interesting if the river had been a brick card...
Cheers again for support all, got up to 33 viewers today which is pretty good for early hours of the morning, especially as it's only my 2nd stream for ages. Hopefully it keeps going up, don't forget to follow me on there for notifications of when I go live. You can also watch back old streams on there too. Small loss today of abuot £1.40 so totals now are... Bankroll: £106.56 Profit: +£6.56 Hours Played: 4 Probably gonna take the weekend off now and will be back again Monday morning at 10am again. Hope to see everyone back there. Posted by Lambert180
Only a poker pro refers to 11am as the 'early hours of the morning'!
Yeah interesting hand Phantom, as for if the river was a brick, I think that shows the advantage of aggression cos we both have the exact same hand but if it bricks on the river I'm gonna win the hand (unless you make some realllly sick river jam over my bet lol).
Lol Gregster that is true!
Gonna post one more hand from that session cos JJ asked me about it after the session, he thought it was a really bad call on the turn. At the time I thought it was pretty close and after the event thought 'meh maybe it was bad' so me and JJ did the maths on it.
I think it's pretty obvious villain has the nuts here on the turn or as good as... basically I'd be amazed if he ever has anything here other than a set, which means we got 8 outs that are good 100% if he only has sets, and think we get the lot everytime if we hit, so we're effectively calling £1.77 on the turn to win the £7.08 in the middle now PLUS £4.60 we got behind, so £1.77 to win £11.68
And that makes it a call. Interesting one though cos in game JJ was sure it was bad, and I leaned towards thinking it was probably bad too after the event. That's why it's good to run the numbers on these things afterwards.
yeah it sort of shows the limits of thinking in terms of raw equity when you have a draw
177/708 = 25% equity to call. and we dont have that with 8 outs [lets call it 16% equity].
however, draws do better than their equity share - as when they hit, they hit the nuts or near nuts and do so where payouts are biggest [turns and rivers]
its one of the reasons people over fold when they have a gutshot. many people know about pot odds and how to count outs, and they think in terms of raw equity v outs. they ignore the huge % of the pot nuts capture when draws hit and the fact that even our air will capture some of the pot as good bluffing opportunities will present themselves.
Cheers guys for everyone that joined in. Had a solid session, bit frustrating to get stacked 5 mins before the end or it would have been a pretty big one. I'll post that hand and any other interesting ones tomorrow but gonna go spend some time with the other half now
Only dipped in briefly before getting swamped with tables popping up everywhere and having to close it back down. Way too off-putting alongside so many games/formats! Hopefully will be better able to check out the next evening stream you put on.
Glad to have at least given you a WTF view of me spewing a stack to the table nit. I plead a mixture of TV tartdom and DTD insanity
Felt like I should fold river, the CIB is just always value and so hard for it to be a worse value hand, but then pretty hard for him to have better too. I even said on stream 'it must be JT' before calling lol
Villian had been crazy loose and crazy aggressive so yeh not much to say really, is pretty standard.
Hand History #950098131 (11:10 25/09/2015)
Gonna post one more hand from that session cos JJ asked me about it after the session, he thought it was a really bad call on the turn. At the time I thought it was pretty close and after the event thought 'meh maybe it was bad' so me and JJ did the maths on it.
I think it's pretty obvious villain has the nuts here on the turn or as good as... basically I'd be amazed if he ever has anything here other than a set, which means we got 8 outs that are good 100% if he only has sets, and think we get the lot everytime if we hit, so we're effectively calling £1.77 on the turn to win the £7.08 in the middle now PLUS £4.60 we got behind, so £1.77 to win £11.68
And that makes it a call. Interesting one though cos in game JJ was sure it was bad, and I leaned towards thinking it was probably bad too after the event. That's why it's good to run the numbers on these things afterwards.
Only dipped in briefly before getting swamped with tables popping up everywhere and having to close it back down. Way too off-putting alongside so many games/formats! Hopefully will be better able to check out the next evening stream you put on.
Glad to have at least given you a WTF view of me spewing a stack to the table nit. I plead a mixture of TV tartdom and DTD insanity