Has anyone else been unable to reg these? Getting a message saying not eligible when I try to register (definitely opted in and made points etc). Also live chat is now out of service. If anyone from sky reads this can you have a look at it? Always annoying to miss free chance at 2 grand!
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same here
I then waited 20 mins for someone on the phone and then phone line goes dead and tried this 3 times again with no result.
I posted on the premier page and find that at least I am not alone.
I know I am eligible as I have 1321 points and my team finished 2nd
but it still says I cant enter.
I know its a freeroll and I have had my tokens every week etc but I would have liked to enter this tournament but it look like Im locked out.
Good luck to everyone on the tables
Morning Chaps.
I've escalated this to the Sunday Suits, & hopefully we'll get a reply quite soon.
Bear with them please. If I hear back, I will let you know immediately.
I don't get blessed very often these days Nanny, usually it's more along the lines of blessed abuse....
It's not sorted yet, so hold the blessings, but I'm very hopeful those boys up there in HQ will be on hand to do so shortly.
It's a difficult morning for it, as I believe "Live Chat" has been experiencing some issues. Perfect storm & all that.
Anyway, I'm very hopeful we will get a reply in due course, & all will be well.
I have had a reply, they are now on the case, so an answer should be forthcoming soon.
Just had a note from Upstairs - the problem should be sorted now.
If you were having problems Registering, try again now, fingers crossed - if you are eligible - it should now accept your registration.
Apologies for the temporary discomfitureaments.
I can go back to the gym now.
i'm in fine, ty
tyvvvm Tikay and Suits of course