at a nlhe table of whatever format you can expect the usual vitriol spat at you from bad players. " fish" "donk" "idiot", we've all been there. plo8 dyms are usually different, jokes taken in stride, light hearted (or indeed loose) comments taken in the spirit in which they are meant and so on. recently that's all changed, to the degree that any attempt to lighten the mood after a hard week at work falls on stony ground. " don't encourage him", "ignore him" "he deserves it" " go play holdem" and numerous other hilarious comments makes one wonder why one bothers. fantastic abuse directed my way is far more enjoyable than a bunch of morose troglodytes with no sense of humour, looking to the heavens and sighing. I always thought that 90% of hold'em players could learn a lot from 10% of plo8 players. when it comes to having the crack, I realise that I was very, very wrong. the average age of a pol8 player is dead. hopefully it shall remain that way. don't ever complain that people prefer to look at 2 cards instead of 4.
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PS For the avoidance of doubt - that was some attempted humour by a dead person.
If you would rather just have a row and insult people apparently facebook is the place for that.
gn gl