Hi bodily function enthusiasts, I have got a new keyboard!!----Thats good innit!! Bad news is, I had a few problems, culminating in a massive stroke!---- Long story --- But I have been improving ---- Apart from eyesight problems, and my innate propensity for nuttiness, a seemingly serviceable portion of my brain has survived intact.
Anyway,Monty python taught me to "always look on the bright side of life" (idiots), so something positive is obviously just around the corner----
Poker is good therapy,and it looks like I will have more time to play now--- and you lot are for it-- so there!!!
sorry lads, gone mad again, more to follow
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Always a nutter eh
Hope you bounce back to top health, always a pleasure to play you.
All the best.
Flopwit is back, great to see you Rik, welcome back.
Can't keep a good man down.