Me too.... It said you have won £2.50 in head prizes but I got nowt. How do we contact customer care? Searched the site for help - or customer care........ Not very helpful or obvious at all Posted by Goody_Ace
'Help and Support' at the bottom of this page then select 'Contact Us' then select contact method
Obviously as the site had technical problems they are inundated with people like you (and me) who had problems, they sorted mine I am sure they will sort yours also. Try to think about it from their point of view, normally they have say two CS operatives sorting out let us say a dozen enquiries spread over the course of a day. Then all of a sudden they get 5,000 people complaining all at the same time some of them repeatedly as they always think they are more important than the other 4,999. This of course just clogs everything up even more as they try to read and sort another 5,000/10,000 etc. Enquiries. Allow CS to do their job, this is now possibly one of the best sites for Customer Care, they have clearly worked to improve it over the years and have done so.