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UKOPS and beyond



  • ommomm Member Posts: 444
    edited November 2015
    Although I rarely play it doesn't the Tues main get a lot of runners? If so why should it get changed (apologies if I'm wrong). That being said I would probably play if Tuesday had another tournament running with a slightly bigger buy in. Think there is room in the schedule for some sort of midi tournament every night as well. FWIW a few people have mentioned antes and I realise that's not why the thread was started and it's an age old disussion but I'm quite happy without antes. 

    Echo what Graham has said about asking for feedback. Great that you guys are so close to the customer base. Also putting on a PLO comp without a gte would be a start to see how much support it got. 

    Finally I know that the £11 £25k were just for UKOPS but having a low buy in higher GTE on a Sunday may attract more people on the main poker playing day of the week, just market the danglers out of it. 

    Micro rebuy £1.10-£3.30
    Mini double chance £5.5-£11
    Main Bounty Hunter £22-£55
    Maxi Freezout £110-£220

    Some sort of monthly league (sure Aussie would help) Top 100 players based on number of Daily's played get entry to a special tournament of some sort. 

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited November 2015
    I am almost convinced that earlier start times on the main MTTs would lead to greater numbers (although admitedly I have nothing to back it up)

    As it stands I play turbo Tuesday midweek and that is it. I would assume 98% of players on here work and the thought of playing until 1.30am / 2am to bubble a final table does not fill me with much desire to play.

    The beauty of making the mtts more accesible would be that players like myself would be adding much more volume alongside the mtts they play - Example: My average HUSNG / cash session lasts around an hour followed by a break and then whatever I could stomach after, If I was playing the nightly MTT I would be playing husngs / cash for the vast duration of the mtts (At least until they got down to 3 tables)

    Dont know how this would work but moving them to a 6.30 / 7 start with late reg (I believe) would suit the majority.

    Sorry if this is poorly typed up I shouldnt really be doing this at work :)
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited November 2015
    '"Only thing would be to watch out for "supposedly new players" or old players making up new aliases to abuse the set up"

    We've planned for this. There are systems that we can use to monitor this kind of activity. My background is in fraud prevention, I'll be making sure that any new poker registrations in October are fully verified etc. and have no links to other accounts.

    Could Dan confirm as whether this has happened?

    Queries were raised about existing schedules vs UKOPS. It appears like no one went through the schedules each day and looked at what tournaments people would play on a normal day vs what they would play during UKOPS. This meant some days (including Sundays) spend/number of tournaments played was less than normal. This means a number of us played more tournaments on other sites.

    I question how well UKOPS was marketed when the High Roller/ UKOPS main appeared to attract less of the big names of
    UK poker than normal. These tournaments are meant to be the flagship ones of a UK site yet I saw a well known UK reg on another forum ask when is the High Roller nearly a week after it had taken place.

    As Tommy mentioned, there were mistakes made and massive overlay. Surely it makes more sense to have appropriate resource so mistakes aren't made and this can be funded by lower guarantees (and therefore lower or ideally no overlays).

    From the outside it appeared like the key was generating new accounts and a eye catching overall guarantee. The service offered appeared to be very much secondary to all of this.

    I do think there was many good things to come out of UKOPS, a good mix of tournaments, some great success stories from players and as always some good banter at the tables.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2015


    Matt - thanks.

    Might as well bite the bullet & say it's highly unlikely the Business will reply to that, but that's not to say feedback is not appreciated.

    I can't debate it either, but I will say one thing, to give you some food for thought.
    There's been much talk of how Sky Poker made a proper mess with that Overlay in those Super UKOPS things. It may be right, too. However, to judge their success or failure, you'd need to know the following parts of the equation;
    1) The existing CPA

    2) The CPA of those (genuine) new Accounts that signed up.
    3) The annual & lifetime value of a new account, to both Sky Poker, & SB&G as a whole.

    And I don't know any of those answers, & neither do you. And The Business sure won't be answering those questions, as it's commercially private, as I'm sure you understand.

    As to resource levels, again, that's not something they can reasonably be expected to discuss openly - it's a Business matter.
    Anyway, the feedback generally is welcomed, & with the next UKOPS already well into the planning stage, any suggestions will be looked at.
    Keep the constructive feedback coming, it all adds grist to the mill.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited November 2015
    I think the majority of people have acknowledged that ultimately we cannot know whether the benefit of hundreds of new registrants offsets the overlay. However, Sky Poker obviously still do not want to create overlay. Ideally, they'd be able to advertise a £500k series, while still getting plenty of new registants, and not getting any overlay. 

    It's easy with hindsight, but the way of doing this seems clear:

    add more money to the guarantee of the main event. We know from previous experience that the £40k guarantee on the main always gets reached quite easily. 

    Replace PLO tournaments with NL tournaments - these can have higher guarantees and appeal more to the vast majority of players than PLO games do. 

    Implementing these two changes next time, allows Sky to reduce the guarantee on the already optimistic £25k mtts to maybe £20k, while still reaching the £500k total guarantee. Additionally, I don't see how this would result in less new players. win win. And I say it's clear with hindsight, but it was also relatively clear before the series started. There were numerous player comments about the £25k mtts, both in regard to reaching the guarantee and the software coping. These both failed, and I think that's the main reason for disappointment - these were very avoidable errors. ** edit - I should note that the software did seem to respond well after the first night, so perhaps that should be ignored to some extent**

    Going forward I think Sky should consider creating new methods for advertising. I heard this has been done previously, but was stopped for an unknown reason. Start an official 2+2 Sky Poker thread in Internet Poker. Every other site I know has one of these threads, some have many different threads, but with Sky already having a forum of their own, they'd only need the one. This gives Sky the opportunity to appeal to the biggest market possible to them for a small cost. Yes, you'd get the odd troll, but 2+2 mods are quite effective at removing posts when notified. This allows players who aren't familiar with the Sky Poker forum, to be aware of new promotions, new online series, and new live tournaments. Also, please don't think 2p2 is just a place for regular poker players. It's full of recreational players too, and I bet a lot of those live in the UK. It will undoubtedly boost numbers for little time consumption and little cost. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2015


    They did used to have a dedicated Thread on 2+2, but it was very expensive & yielded very little by way of acquisition, so I guess it was not deemed cost-effective.  
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited November 2015
    In Response to Re: UKOPS and beyond:
    ^^^ They did used to have a dedicated Thread on 2+2, but it was very expensive & yielded very little by way of acquisition, so I guess it was not deemed cost-effective.     
    Posted by Tikay10
    Ok, thanks for clarificaction. :( both of those things do surprise me. Sites smaller than Sky have had threads there for a long time, and even today sites that can only operate in 1 particular US state have them running. frustrating
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited November 2015
    After finding the Sky Poker 2p2 thread, I can see that the Sky Poker rep posted for around 1 month total. This is of course too small of a timeframe. Also, the posts weren't so great - they included stuff like the entire structure of a tournament, or the payout structure, or a list of currently registered players. I understand this might be effective on Sky, where the player base is small and forum regs like to know these things, but on 2p2 it's just going to make people click X. Direct, short promotions while answering questions will win people over, and give the thread a good rating. 

    I'm so convinced that this would be an effective medium of advertising for Sky that I'd be prepared to do it myself for free. Of course, I wouldn't be allowed to do that but I think it should be revamped

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2015
    In Response to Re: UKOPS and beyond:
    After finding the Sky Poker 2p2 thread, I can see that the Sky Poker rep posted for around 1 month total. This is of course too small of a timeframe. Also, the posts weren't so great - they included stuff like the entire structure of a tournament, or the payout structure, or a list of currently registered players. I understand this might be effective on Sky, where the player base is small and forum regs like to know these things, but on 2p2 it's just going to make people click X. Direct, short promotions while answering questions will win people over, and give the thread a good rating. 
    Posted by percival09
    The original dedicated thread was removed.  
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2015
    I just wanna echo the thoughts of a lot of the posts so far here...

    More advertising, less mistakes, less variety (surprisingly), just get the basics right first. 

    Perhaps in hindsight (and this can be used in future) you could have run a 2500 runner freeroll a few weeks prior to UKOPS to test the waters with how the software could cope without impacting lotsss of players with a lot of £££ on the line across all games and without it impacting Sky's major online series when ideally lots of new players are logged in want you wanna give a good impression. It would need to be a freeroll run at peak time ofc, no point doing a test run at 10am then running the real one at 8pm when traffic is totally different.

    I like the idea of a regular low BI, big field comp every sunday, £11bh is probably spot on for the BI/format but maybe just £10k guaranteed

    In Response to UKOPS and beyond:
    Is there a spot for a decent guaranteed Omaha tournament?
    Posted by Sky_SamT

    I don't mean to complain about you asking for customer feedback etc cos I think it's great, but asking stuff like this always ends in the same result. Lots of people on the forum say 'yeahhh more PLO' but in reality a tinyyyyy fraction of Sky players want to play it so it fails. iirc, every main (except the Roller) gets 300+ runners without fail pretty much, if PLO becomes one of the mains imo it'll struggle to reach a third of field size of other mains.

    The player base/liquidity just isn't here for regular big guarantee PLO comps imo. I imagine you keep an eye on the guarantees of all comps so if the existing PLO comps were smashing guarantees consistently you'd already have bumped them up. Out of interest, how did the UKOPS PLO and PLO8 events get on RE guarantees? I recall the first one missed it and I heard the one which was a main met the guarantee but didn't follow the rest.

    Fwiw, I don't believe earlier start times of mains would be a positive, it would be a negative imo. Most other sites I know, if they have a 'main' it's usually around that 8pm mark. It's all good and well saying people don't wanna stay up too late, but people also have to be ready and online to play. Say your average Joe doesn't finish work til 5pm, maybe gets home 5:30pm/6pm, gotta have dinner, sort the kids, get settled etc. I think if anything main event numbers would only go down if it started much earlier.

    It's just the way of MTTs imo, if you wanna play a 300-400 runner MTT which is the main event and you want it to be done pre midnight, gl finding it. Presumably Sky wants to grow, and as that happens if mains start to get 400, 500, 600 runners regular, it's just impossibleeee to get it to finish before midnight and still be a decent game of poker. Just gotta pick a different game imo if you cant commit to 4-5hr to win the biggest MTT that runs on a given site.

    In Response to Re: UKOPS and beyond:
    Although I rarely play it doesn't the Tues main get a lot of runners? If so why should it get changed (apologies if I'm wrong). That being said I would probably play if Tuesday had another tournament running with a slightly bigger buy in.
    Posted by omm

    It used to, or rather it does still but alot less. iirc it was originally £6k guaranteed and regularly smashed the 600 runners needed, this was when 861 still existed and a key selling point was that the tournament could be finished live on air (unlike the other mains which tend to end around the 1:30am mark). I dunno if it's directly related but since 861 closed the numbers have went significantly down in Tuesday's main and I think settled around the 400 mark. Still good ofc but that I'd imagine is largely because the BI is 1/3 of most of the other mains.

    I agree Tuesday's main should be dropped. The comp doesn't have to be dropped, I think there's room for an £11 turbo 7 days a week around the £750/£1k guarantee mark to start it off, around the same time it runs now. Then a new main can be introduced, maybe a £22 double chance (1 rebuy only to be used when u go down to 0 chips), maybe another BH, the latter is probably more popular. 

    I dunno if it's changed or not yet but now UKOPS is over, plz put the MBI (10:30pm £55 turbo BH) and 9pm £55bh back in their regular slots.

    I think once a week a slightly bigger BH main would be good, maybe a £55BH main on Saturdays.

    I like the idea some have suggested of maybe a once a month bigger comp. Even if it's just a £220 BI on the last Sunday of each month. Needs to be lots of satellites. I've said it before but the satellite structure needs to be much better... if we could have tonsss of satellites for the £55 events during UKOPS why can't we have tonssss of satellites for the 2 x £55BHs that run day in, day out? 

    My post feels all a bit scrambled, just tried to get out what I could remember before I forgot, but probably have forgot loads.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2015
    In Response to Re: UKOPS and beyond:
    I just wanna echo the thoughts of a lot of the posts so far here... More advertising, less mistakes, less variety (surprisingly), just get the basics right first.  Perhaps in hindsight (and this can be used in future) you could have run a 2500 runner freeroll a few weeks prior to UKOPS to test the waters with how the software could cope without impacting lotsss of players 
    Posted by Lambert180
    Hi Paul,

    You are not the first to suggest a Freeroll should be used to test the site capacity.

    It does not work like that, & never did, here or elsewhere.

    They have something called a "test environment" where they can & do test capacity on a regular basis. You can't see it, it is not visible, it's behind a "wall", but they do it regularly, (during scheduled outages) & they specifically did it to test up to breaking point pre UKOPS. The platform as a whole is very experienced as to high traffic loads - can you imagine the load Sky Bet has at 3pm & 4.45pm on a Saturday, for example?

    You may well say that the first of the Super UKOPS suffered some issues - correct. The primary cause of that was NOT the volume of players on site, it was something completely separate, however, it occurred at the wrong time, coinciding with a peak period, & with the site being as busy as it was, some players, regrettably, suffered lag. It was very unfortunate & regrettable, but the root cause was not volume, it was exacerbated by volume. All problems begin with the root cause, obv. Lessons were learned.

    Advertising? Well this Business has its own way of thinking. It used to advertise in the Poker Media, but it presumably found it was not cost-effective. It's very expensive (in relative terms), & clashes with everyone else's ads, so (maybe....) the main beneficiaries are the poker media, publishers, & Ad Agencies. That's the Businesses opinion, armed with the data, but of course you can think different if you wish. 

    Instead, they do their advertising & Promotions differently, & for this UKOPS, (& in fact last years UKPC) they used TV Advertising, utilising several thousand "spots". Not many Rooms do that, & they may be correct in doing so, but that's the line Sky Poker have chosen in those instances.

    They also choose to devote a portion of their advertising/marketing budget on Sky Poker TV, which includes a weekly spot on Sky Sports, & which attracts very large audience, including - most critically - the poker curious - people who do not currently have poker accounts anywhere. That is a golden target.

    Your way may be better, who knows?, (I certainly don't) but I'm backing the guys who are armed with the data.

    Less mistakes? Well yes, can't argue with that. I have mentioned - several times - & Sam mentioned it HERE, too. I did not really want to spell this out, & I'll guess the Office won't be thanking me, but for context.... 

    The MTT side of Sky Poker is generally around one sixth (16% approx.) of total Sky Poker traffic & revenue. (That changes during a UKOPS, of course, though UKOPS has the side effect of increased cash & SNG traffic as it happens). The MTT's atre looked after - as to daily scheduling, daily satellites, da de da, by 2 chaps in the office. Both of them are real good guys, though I would say that of course. Many of you have met both of them, both were at the last UKPC, & one was in Vegas this year.
    Unfortunately, as Sam explained in that Link above, one of the dastardly duo became unexpectedly & unavoidably absent at a really bad time - some 4 weeks ago. Could not have been worse timing. Help was drafted in, but it's quite a complex role, & very laborious, & so one man - Sam - is carrying most of the load, temporarily. 

    That's not the player's problem, of course it's not. And no, it should not happen. But these comment in the last 24 hours effectively aimed towards one guy must be quite painful for him to read, (he reads it all but is a bit pushed for time right now.....) so I'd sincerely ask everyone to try & show a little tolerance please.
    Thank you.     
  • DustoLuckoDustoLucko Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2015
    Some have said they only have time for the main on a tuesday due to it being a turbo so it would be nice to keep it that way. I imagine swapping the main to a £33 10k turbo(run sats to this from late morning) and the mini for a £10 4k turbo would work well. Could also change the blinds from 7 mins to 5 to ramp up the turbo aspect.
  • TTayseerTTayseer Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2015
    I tend to play from 6,30 until 11 most nights and don't mind a late finish if it means a deep run. If I were to take a night off it would be a Tuesday or Wednesday as the £11 turbo on a Tuesday isn't usually enough on its own if I bust the £22 bhs at 6 at 7, and the £11 rebuy on a Wednesday drives me mad as 50% of the time I miss the add on.

    I see there is a 3k £22 bh at 7.30 tonight and that would solve the problem of Tuesdays if it were to become permanent. Wednesday can be solved with the simple addition of an auto-add on. I love £10 rebuys on other sites, and they all have this.
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited November 2015
    Tuesday nights main has had overlay on numerous weeks before ukops just looked at the lobby for it again tonight and more overlay £290.  This is at peak time of the year aswell this main really needs to be replaced with something else.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,650
    edited November 2015
    In Response to Re: UKOPS and beyond:
    Tuesday nights main has had overlay on numerous weeks before ukops just looked at the lobby for it again tonight and more overlay £290.  This is at peak time of the year aswell this main really needs to be replaced with something else.
    Posted by bearlyther

    I disagree. All October this was a 4K GTD. Only just gone to a 5K. It is the one 'main' that a lot of smaller BR's play.
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited November 2015
    Not everyone can afford to play 33 BHs 

    Turbo Tuesday is the best main of the week for alot of the player base. Also it probably didnt hit its GTD today simply because of the England match.
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited November 2015
    There was deinately at least 3 weeks within a 2 month period when the gtd wasnt met before ukops started and that was with the previous 4k gtd as i remember posting a thread about it a while back when the gtds wernt met.  Every other main smashes the Gtd.

    Im also not saying get rid of it put it on at 9.15 and we can have the mtt on 7 nights a week as part of the daily schedule.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    edited November 2015
    really need a pop up wen it comes to addon during rebuys, i too kept missing the addon during ukops rebuys
  • MilitantGMilitantG Member Posts: 204
    edited November 2015

    Just gna throw my 2 pence in.

    I think UKOPS was definitely the best yet in my short experience, overall the variety and length of the whole thing was really good. Also the daily running of sats I think was a great success.

    From a personal point of view I just felt there was a bit too many tournaments with the turbo mechanism. Obviously I understand the reason behind this, but I was a bit disappointed that the original 9pm £55BH had become a 10pm turbo most nights but that's just me. Also the 2nd week of UKOPS was a little underwhelming compared to the first but i guess that's to be expected.

    In terms of going forward, the daily mtt schedule definitely needs a shake up. I think adding some turbos and double chance tourneys would be a good idea even some lower BI rebuys £5-10. Overall I reckon it’s worth adding some mid-stakes MTTS £15-20 BI’s.

    I do agree that the tuesday main needs a revamp but also agree that we can/should keep the £10 turbo as a regular during the week with a lower guarantee like £2k.

    Also Lambo mentioned having at least one bigger BH main on a fri/saturday which imo is a no-brainer, since we have 4 main BHs with more or less the same prizepool/structure.

    Finally imo the £55bh 1500 turbo needs a revamp. I reckon even lowering the BI to £33 would be better and then having more sats for it would be a gd start, it surely can't remain as it is.

    There's loads of other gd ideas posted so far here e.g. monthly higher stakes tourny with lots of qualifiers.

    Just wanna give a shout-out to the guys at Sky who are always willing to experiment and listen to feedback. Great job guys.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2015

    Just before I reply to a few comments, please be assured they DO intend to shake the tree a bit & try to freshen up the MTT schedule, & do so without alienating too many. Not an easy task, but it's got to be done.

    Neil Channing & I have also been asked to forward proposals & ideas to Head Office. If any of you want to PM Neil or myself with ideas, which you'd prefer not to put on thread, please do, they'll all get forwarded to Mr Upstairs Man.
    Personally, I'll not be suggesting specific MTT's, & I doubt Neil will either - we both intend to look at it from a more strategic standpoint. For example, beef up the schedule on the traditional busy Online nights (Sunday & Tuesday), or go the contrarian route & beef it up on other nights. That sort of thing.  
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