I was quite surprised last night, whilst playing, to see the level of enthusiasm for Sky Poker Hoodies, which were part of the Winter Giveaway jobbie.
Lots of players were saying they were really trying very hard to win a Sky Poker Hoody, whilst mention of I-Pads often got the retort "I'd sell it, I already have one".
For reasons I have often explained, I don't see a Sky Poker Merchandise Shop appearing any time soon - if ever - but if players think Sky Poker Hoodies are something they'd really like (bear in mind nobody can buy them in Shops), I'm sure Sky Poker may consider offering them as Prizes more widely.
Just looking for feedback really.
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It took me nearly 6 years to get hold of one, but finally managed it at the last UKPC. I also still have my Sky Poker "Stress ball" which as you can imagine is quite useful for a man of my poker abilities
I love any kind of Poker Merchandise & wear my sky hoody with pride. It's quite a talking point in my local casino.
More merchandise please.....Hoodies, T-Shirts, Socks, Sweat bands, stress balls, keyrings, mouse mats, baseball caps........it's endless.
I have 888 ones which are awesome quality.
would love to get a sky one
Poker shirts are exclusive, anyone can buy an I-pod, and for the site, it's a no brainer as it is basically free advertising.