Quick note on these, until now, Registration has opened at 7pm (8.30 kick off), but going forward, registration will open earlier, at midday or thereabouts.
It just gives players more time to register, in case they forget.
Registration for tonight's jobbie will open at 12.30.
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Our Pro Active Team will be contacting all winners of all prizes week by week to confirm addresses. To save the effort if you make sure all your contact details are up to date I'll send yours out next week sometime. What size are you? (M,L,XL).
Nice one Groggs, you seem to be stuck on the final table.
IMO, its a winter giveaway, and winter goes from Dec-Feb. So......
The iPads & iPhones are sent out through a third party supplier so I'll send details across to them tomorrow if you can make sure your details are up to date also. Hopefully these will be received by Christmas but I can't promise anything.
Ive just looked and there doesnt appear to be one.
I hope there is and its just not been put up yet.