In Response to Re: Last Man (or Lady....) Standing. Free to enter Fun Comp, £22 (or £55) UKOPS seat to the winner. : No no, not at all Mr Brrrrrr. The deadline is 7pm TOMORROW (Wednesday) not tonight. Your entry is valid. Good luck. Posted by Tikay10
So we're past 7:00pm and it looks like (E&EE) we had 97 entries. Shame it couldn't have made 100 but there you are.
By my reckoning that makes 49 and ties through to Round 2
Taken from 4K_Balla's last list, and adding those who entered since, the state of play at the moment with still 48 minutes to go before the tournament starts, with not many entries yet, all those who have guessed 222 or lower would survive, those saying 223 or over would be eliminated. Things will change (hopefully!), but not until we have 216 entries
You have until 7pm this evening to enter this fun comp.
Entries after 7pm will be VOID.
By my reckoning that makes 49 and ties through to Round 2
Taken from 4K_Balla's last list, and adding those who entered since, the state of play at the moment with still 48 minutes to go before the tournament starts, with not many entries yet, all those who have guessed 222 or lower would survive, those saying 223 or over would be eliminated. Things will change (hopefully!), but not until we have 216 entries
tomgoodun 209
blureid11 210
DoyleBrun 210
belsibub 211
4K_Balla 212
mkgunner 212
Sir-Gary 212
neil1970 212
ballboy 213
Lambert180 214
Wacko90 215
Amarie 215
tomo_efc 215
Snuffer 216
dedgenmuch 216
MilitantG 216
Dozza 216
LmfaoAllin 216
Essexphil 216
Ice_Tiger 216
wynne1938 217
Darkangel7 217
67Bhoys 218
poshcole 218
Macagirl1 218
churchy18 218
MrWhite 218
poppy765 218
RTL16 219
badcawl 219
nbjv 219
edrich 219
spinace 219
Liamboi11 220
sillymid 220
dumb_blond 220
lundie 220
Gerald15 220
Ranners 220
Nuggy962 220
bbMike 221
MrJoeBlogs 221
tillpoll 221
aussie09 221
CraigSG1 221
JohnConnor 222
Mariusz80 222
ajmilton 222
Boxter 222
mrsduck 222
Glenelg 222
HaveaA1Day 222
rainman397 223
IH8UButer 223
splashies 223
Phantom66 223
lufc333 223
jumijumi 223
Ikelly 224
pokerin23 224
goldnballz 225
FeelGroggy 225
WUBBZY1401 225
goodylad21 225
pomfrittes 225
cenachav 225
CxE1 226
MattBates 227
SJSpanky 227
SolarCarro 227
jordz16 228
mumsie 228
bearlyther 229
jdallstar 230
FCHD 230
stuarty117 230
Brrrrrrr 231
buzka 232
weecheez1 234
mondo1985 235
FlyMe 237
stokefc 241
Any2Suited 243
wrongjohn1 244
winshoes 247
paige55 255
jonnyrkd 256
chilling 257
CardiffAce 263
Live updates will follow as and when necessary, later on tonight.
a) apologies for that horrible sentence in the third paragraph which just went on and on and on
b) it would be ironic (in an Alanis Morrissette type of way) if it did end this way, the one time Rainman didn't go for 220!