Had to start playing these due to work commitments - bye bye MTTS

Something that is killing me at the moment is isolating limpers with AK in the early stages (say 75-30BB effective)
I've played about 400 in the last month and I've hit a brick wall with this spot. I'd raise generally 4/5x from OOP against a limper or 2. I find that they call and either
a/ sick flop for me like (89J with FD) and I just check/fold
b/ dry flop and they still don't fold to a c-bet and I don't want to put big bets in with ace high on turn.
When i lose these pots it's putting me on the back foot for the push/fold end game.
Anyone would advocate just checking AK in the blinds - keeping the pot small with an under-repped hand. bearing in mind that I'm not trying to get heavily involved early on.
TIA for any advice.