How can you play against this,.... I mean really.....
Hand History #987912701 (19:36 07/01/2016)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancePuppetJackSmall blind 200.00200.00675.00xxxxxxBig blind 400.00600.002435.00 Your hole cardsA3 Llama86Fold thedob5707Fold PuppetJackAll-in 675.001275.000.00xxxxxxCall 475.001750.001960.00PuppetJackShowA3 xxxxxxShow72 Flop 688 Turn 7 River K xxxxxxWinTwo Pairs, 8s and 7s1750.00 3710.00
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...oh well.
in pure chip ev its a clear call.
in icm terms hero would have to shoving ridiculously tight for it to be a fold, and thats if the two folded players are roughly evenly stacked.
if you turned over your cards pre and showed me A3 i would snap call 72o.