what kind of things do you write on a players notes? I've only really just started using them normally to express my anger on a fish or a bad player. I don't often write notes on a good player I just recognise the name and already know I'm about to be slaughterd at the table. I just don't know what info I would find useful if I was to play against them again.
i use notes to alert me to immediate targets.
i use my webpages for everything else.
check this out ..
type in the initial letter of their alias to go to the correct alpha page.. then insert the alias.
try it.
+ dont use perjorative labels.
a general label of style such as 'passive postflop' or 'tight oop' is fine. but using labels such as fish, moron etc isnt going to be productive. quite the opposite. it opens you up to potential tilt [how can this fish out play ME!] or complacency. remember so called 'fish' pay the bills and keep games running. pay them respect, and dont allow emotions to affect even your note-taking. if a lable doesnt help range a player, leave it out, especially if it is a derogatory label its going to make you emotional without giving any hint to a players range or your appropriate response.
+ develop a short hand.
notes should be easy to take and easy to read.
shorten: 'three bet to t120 big blind v button open and then shoved A57 with a flush draw present with stack of 30 BB'
to: '3b 3x BB v BTN, Cbt shv A57ss @ 30bb eff' .
remember when taking note of sizings the effects of different blind levels. so the difference between someone isoing to t80 @ 10/20 v @ 20/40 is significant. either make a note of betsizing as a multiple of BB / % of pot, or note the blind level.
4x iso @ 25bb
t80 iso 25bb eff @ 20/40
+ the question mark trick:
you want to be confident in your notes. so use this little trick:
you make a note that villain is an aggressive check raier. however maybe he has just hit the deck hard, or has reads v the person cbetting.
make the note thus:
agg c/r strat ???
next time you are in a game with him simply delete question marks as your read is confirmed. so you can lower your risk of regret by not making as many over adjustments
WHAT to take note of
things that will alter your standard actions:
you will develop standard lines / default ranges that work well against the general population of players you face. if villain does something unusual that would mean you want to play your hands / ranges differently then it is definately note worthy.
has someone flatted A7s to a minr HU @ 12bb eff? that will mean i will want to shove big Ax as he is getting that hand in v a shove.
has villain 3 barrelled complete air on a dry board? my bluff catching range is going to signifcantly widen.
any traps in villains range.
limp / raises with AA, checking nuts on river / check calling strong hands on flops. important to note these hands because as they involve strong holdings and strong holdings are hard to make it means you wont see them often enough to remember. use notes.
general tendencies.
is villain tight v 3x raises, does he cbets often, raise all buttons? these are notes on common spots. as such you will build a more accurate and reliable impression, and as such these notes are very valuable.
any unusual lines villain has seen you take.
has villain seen you over bet the nuts / bluff on the river. has he seen you limp AA @ 10bb eff? these things are good to know. dont over level yourself with these notes. just because he has seen you jam the nuts doesnt mean you can do so with air with abandon. but noting what notes he may have on you can be very useful
any strategy you have developed.
i'll often study other regs games and break their ranges down and write out some strat advice [what flops to float, what range to c/r, when to over-fold etc]. if you can develop some solid strategy v a particular villain then having it in note form at the table is going to really help you. harder to do here with no tracking software, but still worth the effort i imagine if you have volume v players or are willing to keep eg a googledoc open on the side of your tables.
First: 7/1/2016
Last: 26/1/2016
Also me personally i ask them all they,re phone numbers(well at least when they look like you :@}
I make extensive use of the note facility, but with 6 tables on the go, I need the info to be fast & concise, as I don't have time to read too much.
So my main note use is to Colour Code every player. That gives me a rough guide to how they play, & I can see it without even opening the note facility as the players avatar becomes circled in the appropriate colour.
I do add brief notes on each player, but these are minimal. For a good player, my note might just say that - "GOOD" - but above that, I just extend the word according to ability - so they can be GOOOD, GOOOOD, GOOOOOD etc.
One player of my acquaintance uses the same system, & his notes on me say.....
A chap came on my Table recently - he was an "observer" not actually playing that game - to ask me....
"why is sky such a crock of sh*te?????".
Note the 5 question marks, in case I am so stupid I missed the first 4.
He has played north of 20,000 games on Sky Poker, & still plays every night here.
I so wanted to reply "so why do you still play here?", but I can't really, can I?