Theres been 4 or 5 occasions today players have been berating other players for bad play. STOP DOING IT. The poker economy is already in tatters the last thing we need is players being scared into not playing again cos some idiot makes fun at them in the chat. It doesn't help you and if definately doesn't help poker overall. Please for the sake of fish stop doing it.
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You want them to fish, most of the time they will miss, and the chips are yours, course there will be times when they hit, it is frustrating yes, but a quick note on them, and next time you play them, you are waiting to pounce, snap, got you.
At the end of the day, its their money, they will learn, eventualy.
Ask yourself this, did you fish when you started because you seemed to hit ? but relised that you dont a lot of the time and it was costing you money ?
Let them swim happily and reel em in.
We were all fish at one time, some of us still are
Look at the guy who got 3rd in the bounty hunter last night.
Did not have a clue how to play and won over £400