In Response to Re: Do the math : the odds your looking for are 11/47 then 4/46. once u hit 2 pair there are only 4 cards left in the deck left that improve your hand to a FH the other cards become null and hitting them just gives you a different 2 pair Posted by RLT16
Whats the probability of me getting lucky tonte with the wife I think if i round it up its ZERO I hope Aussie does some workings for me and proves me wrong Posted by stuarty117
you'll be right stewarty. i'm on a defo wrong streak.
Whats the probability of me getting lucky tonte with the wife I think if i round it up its ZERO I hope Aussie does some workings for me and proves me wrong Posted by stuarty117[/QUOTE
If you have stone cold nuts you have very little chance - funny old game innit
Wasn't sure where to post this one, but here goes. You hold a pocket pair, say KK. The turn is an innocuous 2 7 T. What are the odds of hitting a full house or better (i.e. quads) ? It sounds simple at first but I don't think it is, as when the turn card gives you a set instead of 2 pair, the numbers change. Naturally, an explanation of the math would be nice, as opposed to a computer generated figure. Bench. Posted by Benchmark
Here ya go, equity calculating the olde fashioned way.
Watch "Hand equity calculation without computer simulation" on YouTube
you'll be right stewarty. i'm on a defo wrong streak.
Pocket Cards: KK Flop: 2 7 T
To hit our full house or quads we need to hit both the turn and the river, as we need 2 more cards.
For the turn, we need any of those cards (2 kings, three 2's, three 7's or three T's) = 11 cards
That's 11/47. Okay? All agreed so far ?
If the turn card is a K, then we need either K (for quads) , a 2, a 7 or a T = 10 Cards (10/46)
If the turn is a 2, 7 or T, we need either a K or a card to match the turn card = 4 Cards (4/46)
This is where it gets tricky...
both 10/46 and 4/46 can't be correct, so we need to allocate a factor based on how likely each is to occur.
This comes from the turn.
At the turn we have 11 outs. Two are Kings and Nine are the 2, 7 and T's.
So, the likelihood of us hitting the K is 2/11 and the likelihood of hitting a 2,7, or T is 9/11.
These ratios are then applied to the river odds
For the Full house with Kings or Quads it's (2/11)*(10/46)
For the Full house with either 2's, 7's or T's it's (9/11)*(4/46)
Both these calculations need the turn odds adding to them, making Phantom's
(11/47)*(10/46)*(2/11) + (11/47)*(4/46)*(9/11)
Do the math?

Did you go to school in America Bench?
Math or maths is the real question here. I'm going with maths 100% of the time
phanto, you know when i said youwere wrong? sorry
it was meant to be funny/witty
my figs were meant to be rough