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Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2016
    I'm really hoping that scheduled breaks have been omitted. The fury.....
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited February 2016
    It was already full wen I tried to register

    guess you not fast your last :)
  • IkellyIkelly Member Posts: 1,374
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    Is there a problem with the 5k free roll?
    Posted by SLATERBOY
    Nope, it's running smooooooth :)
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited February 2016
    To all the people upset they cant get in...

    I got in , im out now, it weren't all that, you're not missing anything really.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight. : Why? You get pre-registered.
    Posted by Snuffer

    this MTT was designed as a conselation to those who've missed out on points because of some issue on sunday but a number of have missed out due to registration of people who probably didn't even earn a point during that sunday evening.

    The weekly 1K freeroll requires a minimum of 50 points per week and recieves 1550+ entries so the chances are the 5k freeroll on sunday will be quickly filled given that it requires only 5 cash points a day for 3 days.
  • familyguy0familyguy0 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016
    I was looking at coming back after being 5 years away,thought i would use this tourney to try it out again.
    took 20 min to open table,sorry too many issues with site to re-open account.

  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight. : this MTT was designed as a conselation to those who've missed out on points because of some issue on sunday but a number of have missed out due to registration of people who probably didn't even earn a point during that sunday evening. The weekly 1K freeroll requires a minimum of 50 points per week and recieves 1550+ entries so the chances are the 5k freeroll on sunday will be quickly filled given that it requires only 5 cash points a day for 3 days.
    Posted by craigcu12

    Read the T&C the 5 a day freeroll is auto reg maybe due to variant stack calm down you won't miss out.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    I was looking at coming back after being 5 years away,thought i would use this tourney to try it out again. took 20 min to open table,sorry too many issues with site to re-open account.
    Posted by familyguy0
    if you haven,t got an account you wouldn,t be able to reg anyway
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    I was looking at coming back after being 5 years away,thought i would use this tourney to try it out again. took 20 min to open table,sorry too many issues with site to re-open account.
    Posted by familyguy0
    So you are complaining you couldn't win any free money despite not playing here once in the past 5 years.

    I'm sure you will be missed.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2016
    unless you meant re-deposit?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,386
    edited February 2016

    Good morning.

    Some unhappy campers here, & to a degree, understandably.
    Lots of questions, lots of "but why did they?" stuff.

    Head of Product - one of my 73 bosses - explained some of the reasoning, & I'll post them below. You may or may not agree with some or all of them, but it's pretty easy making observations through the rear view mirror, but decisions have to be made in advance.

    For sure, it was well-intentioned, & I don't think anyone can argue with that. They set out to show some goodwill, donated five thousand pounds, & it ended up upsetting a good many people. 

    My Nan used to say "best burnt or scalded", & that's about the sum of it.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,386
    edited February 2016

    These are just "bullets" of what he told me;

    It was capped at 2,500, if it was uncapped, 10,000 or 15,000 freeloaders would have showed up. There are sites which datamine where Freerolls are taking place, & people follow these.

    The Lobby clearly showed 2,500 cap, & registration opened at 5pm. There was plenty of room early doors. Is it unreasonable to assume that folks would realise this would be popular, & reg early?

    It was open to everyone (no points criteria) because it was making up for Sunday. Many players could not log in for a long period on Sunday. Excluding those players would have been rubbing salt in the wound.
    Trying to be fair to everyone is not easy. It was well-intentioned, & that, to me, is the important thing. If they had not decided to run it, & donate £5,000, nobody would have earned a penny.
    "The Morning After" thing is that they will now have a think about all that arose, & maybe do things differently next time, maybe take something from it.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,386
    edited February 2016

    What else have we (all) learned?

    Well for starters, every week this Forum sees numerous "it's not fair that we need points to enter freerolls" moans & groans. I hope that next time we see one of those, you'll all reply & explain why.

    Uncapped freerolls would be a disaster. Ain't gonna happen. What is the CORRECT cap for something like this?

    If there is a decent Freeroll, REGISTER EARLY. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,386
    edited February 2016

    And some context, as to reading stuff at face value.

    ALL customers are important. Every one.

    There was a post which evoked a few replies, something along the lines of "I was thinking of re-opening my account & playing here more, & decided I'd try this Freeroll. Useless, I won't be coming back".

    On the face of it, quite sad, a potential Client lost.
    Anyone like to guess the last time he played on Sky Poker? I only have Sharkscope to assess that, but it was quite revealing. And how much rake has he generated in total, lifetime?

    Now he decides to give Sky Poker another whirl, on the very night they run a no points Freeroll worth £5,000.
    Make of that what you will. Often, things are not quite what they may seem. 

    Anyway, I'm sorry many of you suffered angst last night. 

    On we jolly well go.   
  • vinny67vinny67 Member Posts: 112
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    And some context, as to reading stuff at face value. ALL customers are important. Every one. There was a post which evoked a few replies, something along the lines of " I was thinking of re-opening my account & playing here more, & decided I'd try this Freeroll. Useless, I won't be coming back ". On the face of it, quite sad, a potential Client lost.   Anyone like to guess the last time he played on Sky Poker? I only have Sharkscope to assess that, but it was quite revealing. And how much rake has he generated in total, lifetime? Now he decides to give Sky Poker another whirl, on the very night they run a no points Freeroll worth £5,000.   Make of that what you will. Often, things are not quite what they may seem.  Anyway, I'm sorry many of you suffered angst last night.  On we jolly well go.     
    Posted by Tikay10
    I enjoyed the free roll and have no complaints whatsoever... apart from the dude early on shoving 2,7off ... SORT IT OUT SKY 

     cashed a tenner for free so cant grumble at all and doubt if i would have grumbled if i couldnt reg ... any free roll is a bonus :) 
  • IH8UButlerIH8UButler Member Posts: 196
    edited February 2016
    Was also unable to reg this and to be honest not too bothered personally but did think it was a shame that the money is less likely to be cycled back into play at the tables if over half the field don't play regularly at Sky (using the figure of around 2k runners in the weekday Freerolls) 

    Also got me thinking generally about Freerolls and think that while the 1k Freerolls have been a good addition, in my opinion it would be great if sky would target more of the promo budget towards losing players. Other sites have a freeroll for players who have lost more than x amount in the last week and think this would be a good idea as it might help these players stretch their bankroll further and the money is likely to cycle through the site and thus help everyone

    Any chance of suggesting this Tikay? 
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    Was also unable to reg this and to be honest not too bothered personally but did think it was a shame that the money is less likely to be cycled back into play at the tables if over half the field don't play regularly at Sky (using the figure of around 2k runners in the weekday Freerolls)  Also got me thinking generally about Freerolls and think that while the 1k Freerolls have been a good addition, in my opinion it would be great if sky would target more of the promo budget towards losing players. Other sites have a freeroll for players who have lost more than x amount in the last week and think this would be a good idea as it might help these players stretch their bankroll further and the money is likely to cycle through the site and thus help everyone Any chance of suggesting this Tikay? 
    Posted by IH8UButler
    ''I'm going to book us a table for 2 at that nice new restaurant on Friday night, assuming your gambling means we can still afford to go?''

    ''It's ok honey, I'm about break even this week''

    ''Then why are you regged in a freeroll for people who have lost at least £300 since the weekend?''

  • IH8UButlerIH8UButler Member Posts: 196
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight. : ''I'm going to book us a table for 2 at that nice new restaurant on Friday night, assuming your gambling means we can still afford to go?'' ''It's ok honey, I'm about break even this week'' ''Then why are you regged in a freeroll for people who have lost at least £300 since the weekend?'' ''.............''
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    you're right, forgot to add that as well as excluding winning players, this idea would also unfairly disadvantage Richard Madeley, Basil Fawlty, Arthur Fowler, and Richard off of Keeping Up Appearances
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight. : you're right, forgot to add that as well as excluding winning players, this idea would also unfairly disadvantage Richard Madeley, Basil Fawlty, Arthur Fowler, and Richard off of Keeping Up Appearances
    Posted by IH8UButler
    sorry mate got to disagree with you there i think richard madeley would make a great poker player got caught at everything and just denied it and hes married to judy finnegan so hes probably online all the time
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight.:
    In Response to Re: Reminder - £5,000 Freeroll at 8.30pm tonight. : sorry mate got to disagree with you there i think richard madeley would make a great poker player got caught at everything and just denied it and hes married to judy finnegan so hes probably online all the time
    Posted by weecheez1
    wp :)
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