Yesterday while playing in a sat,whilst cooking my roast, I had pocket kings.Another player who had kod me in two previous SATs raised it large.Now not really wanting him to complete his hatrick, I pondered.Deciding to take tatties out of the oven,still pondering.This all took about eight seconds.The time bar being there for that purpose. I decide to shove.The language that came back from that guy is not repeatable.Although it is,as I see that kind of filth frequently.I do have a very opened mind in terms of humour,maybe leaning to the more spicey.I do know I can report it,and never considered a few tatties would cause such a reaction.As I am a decorator,I shall gloss over that abuse.I've a very thick skin,like an elephant.Being a very average player myself,getting kod hundreds of times, I was just wondering what makes people snap in an instant as I've not hurled abuse once after being despatched.Not having ever played live tourneys, does it happen there?
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On the subject of table chat ...... I was called a Wally ...... how does he know me.? strange?
Hic! ok ok ! he only called me wally.
No need to work the figures out........... by 2050 we'll all be Millionaires.