Now i presumed the find a player section was there for amongst other reasons checking up your pals.Ive a mate that has just started playing on sky so i track him down and see how hes getting on,from time to time.In the early hours of this morning i asked him a simple question which was met with a torrent of expletives from another player at the table.Also i was playing in a sat the other day, on the table was a buddy.We were chatting about this and that and were told,not asked, to SHUT UP! as they were trying to concentrate.
I mean YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS! to coin a phrase. Can i request that sky increase the rake when im in a hand as i feel i should be paying extra for the added entertainment.Obviously not including the filth under the banner .Myself and I R,and D A and others can chat all night without any hassle from other players at the table.So to some folks,CHILL OUT.
It depends what you are playing poker for. If it gets to you then simply use the ignore facility.
Being able to go in depth with chatting i'm guessing you won't be multi tabling, why not consider going onto a free cash HU table with your friend and both of you can have an easy chat without having much risk of abuse and keep his original table chat to just rail or chat about your sky poker games.
The best advice is either learn to ignore those abuser or just talk to your friends through facebook and keep out of public chat boxes.
If you carn't handle ignoring abusers just give them sarcasm
"i'm not a fish I live on land not in the sea"
What ever floats your boat, wish you all to run golden.