Afternoon all.
I've not been around for the last few weeks. For those of you not using facebook, or not friends with me on there you may not know that I've been a bit ill. Swine flu plus double pneumonia with a side order of kidney failure, a temp that reached 41.1 and sepsis thrown in. The docs said I was very close to not coming home a couple of times, however, I have 2 girls and an amazing Gf who are my entire world and who I will fight to the end to keep seeing. After hitting the metophorical 1 outer on the river at least once (my kidneys started working again about 30 mins before they were going to start emergancy dialaysis and my oxygen sats picked up about 30 mins before they were going to intubate me) I am now home, weak but home.
I will be playing a few games tonight, health permitting, and hopefully the rainman tomorrow. Good luck everyone and just remember, this is just a game, not a matter of life or death and if you get your aces cracked, so what. You're still alive, and so am I.
Good luck all, run well and remember, you may be running well but I'm running about a million% better then you

Yikes, glad to hear you are OK now.
Hardly like to mention I had a bit of a cold last week now.
Glad you are on the mend and well done on the binks, keep them coming:D