Whatever is easy for everyone im happy with,but if the suits allow it everyone splits the money into their account,or a seat for everyone into the roller,tbh I forgot about this only just checked the furom lol.
I've had a think about this, & decided that all three will receive a Super Roller seat for this Sunday.
Upstairs won't be best pleased, but it was my error in not allowing for such a situation & adding a tie break proviso or somesuch, so the Office will just have to accept it, one of those things. The workload at UKPC was intense, & I dropped a clanger or two no doubt. Senior moment, as they say.
I've had a think about this, & decided that all three will receive a Super Roller seat for this Sunday. Upstairs won't be best pleased, but it was my error in not allowing for such a situation & adding a tie break proviso or somesuch, so the Office will just have to accept it, one of those things. The workload at UKPC was intense, & I dropped a clanger or two no doubt. Senior moment, as they say. Posted by Tikay10
Wow thankyou sooooo much tikay, I can only admire the amount of work you personally put into everything UKPC related, and thank you once again for the forum comps you run
The best of luck to CHILLIE, Ice Tiiger and scouse-red in the Super Roller and a big thanks to Tikay for sorting out all of the competitions. A lot of people read these threads and don't post as much as others, but I'm sure gestures like this are appreciated by all and help make the Sky Community and Forums the success they are.
The best of luck to CHILLIE, Ice Tiiger and scouse-red in the Super Roller and a big thanks to Tikay for sorting out all of the competitions. A lot of people read these threads and don't post as much as others, but I'm sure gestures like this are appreciated by all and help make the Sky Community and Forums the success they are. Posted by Brrrrrrr
Thanks very much Mr Brrrrrr.
The Business really wants this Community to thrive, & be a place we enjoy visiting, & these Forum Fun Comps are a way of helping that.
I've always thought that Forums are living breathing things, & they have moods, good & bad. Positivity breeds positivity, negativity breeds negativity.
The mood on here during & up to the end of the UKPC was fabulous, everyone seemed happy, & enjoyed the Updates & so on, the place was in really good form. Since then, it's gone a bit gloomy again, with all sorts of negativity about this & that. It's really weird how the mood seems to be contagious.
Anyway, we'll carry on, & try to keep the place somewhere that players can relax & enjoy themselves, & have some bants.
This is now sorted, good luck all 3 of you. Here's the note I sent up. Note how I tried to justify the cost. With any luck, I might just get that through. "Three entries for the Super Roller, this Sunday, 6 th March, please. This was for a UKPC-related Forum Comp that covered 2 days, hence the high cost. CHILLIE Ice_Tiger scouse_red Total cost, 3 x £110 = £330. Thank you" Posted by Tikay10
Incredibly, we appear to have a TRIPLE DEAD HEAT.
That puts me in a bit of a pickle, as I offered £155 worth of prizes in this Fun Comp, & I'm not at all sure how I should proceed from here.
I'm not sure I can justify to the business awarding all three a £110 Super Roller Seat, but I want to be fair to everyone.
Input from the three winners would be appreciated, & I'll then decide what is the best thing to do.
Clearly, this is entirely my fault, as I should have included a tie break question, & clear indication of how a dead heat should be handled.
Triple dead heat, what were the chances? Marv.
Will be rather busy up at UKPC today, but will get it sorted soonest, hopefully no later than tomorrow morning.
Views from Chillie, scouse_red & Ice-Tiger appreciated please.
Looks like all 3 get £110
And the next 2 nearest get the 2nd and 3rd prizes.
Nearest answer wins a £110 Super Roller seat.
2nd nearest wins a £33 Bounty Hunter Main Event seat.
3rd wins a £11 Turbo Tuesday Main Event seat.
lol nice guess
I've had a think about this, & decided that all three will receive a Super Roller seat for this Sunday.
Upstairs won't be best pleased, but it was my error in not allowing for such a situation & adding a tie break proviso or somesuch, so the Office will just have to accept it, one of those things. The workload at UKPC was intense, & I dropped a clanger or two no doubt. Senior moment, as they say.
This is now sorted, good luck all 3 of you.
Here's the note I sent up. Note how I tried to justify the cost. With any luck, I might just get that through.
"Three entries for the Super Roller, this Sunday, 6th March, please. This was for a UKPC-related Forum Comp that covered 2 days, hence the high cost.
Total cost, 3 x £110 = £330.
Thank you"
The Business really wants this Community to thrive, & be a place we enjoy visiting, & these Forum Fun Comps are a way of helping that.
I've always thought that Forums are living breathing things, & they have moods, good & bad. Positivity breeds positivity, negativity breeds negativity.
The mood on here during & up to the end of the UKPC was fabulous, everyone seemed happy, & enjoyed the Updates & so on, the place was in really good form. Since then, it's gone a bit gloomy again, with all sorts of negativity about this & that. It's really weird how the mood seems to be contagious.
Anyway, we'll carry on, & try to keep the place somewhere that players can relax & enjoy themselves, & have some bants.