...i will likely be at DTD playing anyhow but not point, do you know who can advise why I am not eligible when Ive played everyday in last week? thanks x Posted by AB0151
Did you earn your points playing sit & go's last week?
In Response to 5 a day freeroll : Did you earn your points playing sit & go's last week? Posted by Snuffer
no i didnt realise it was specificto sng's as it said;
he 5 a Day £5k Freeroll. Open to all players who have earnt at least 5 Poker Points on at least 3 days in the last 7. All players that reach the Final Table will win a Sky Poker Hoody.
I wasnt entered , got in touch with CC , got entered.
Week 2
I was entered , with 20,000 chips. Then overnight , unentered.
Was advised to contact CC with "proof" of when I think I played ! Tried CC, no-one answered. gave up.
Week 3
I had already played 3x £10 ready for the next week in good faith. Enthusiastically I must add.
But I lost heart mid way through week 2 so stopped bothering with the week 3 promo.
And I see ive been entered with 2,000 chips. I thought 3x £5 DYM would have got me more than that. I must read these thing properly I suppose , cost me £15 too
However I think its a great promotion and whoever thought it up deserved it to be delivered properly.
no i didnt realise it was specificto sng's as it said;