Not a great big one but annoying all the same.
This has happened several times now.
I like to play 'spin up' ususually while waiting for a tourny to start.
The tables are popular and mainly full so I often have to press the 'join queue' button.
If you do this on two tables with the reasoning that you'll take the first seat avaliable you get on quicker.
However, with tablets or mobiles you can only play one table at a time.
So you get on a spin up table and start playing when suddenly a seat becomes avaliable on the other table
You are told (with no option to cancel) that you will be moved to the other table after this hand has finished
You are then upped and moved.............but in the meantime someone else in the queue on the second table has joined and you are left in the queue again with no tables to play.
I know the option is to just join one queue but it's like the queue at the supermarket... the other always seems to move faster.
A cancel option would be the perfect answer.

I'll pass that on, Mr Goody.