PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceliam262915Small blind 100.00100.007265.00superyankBig blind 200.00300.0012615.00 Your hole cards1010 weecheez1Raise 400.00700.009371.68riceygFold cantplayFold tiger317Fold liam262915Fold superyankCall 200.00900.0012415.00Flop 35J superyankBet 900.001800.0011515.00weecheez1Call 900.002700.008471.68Turn 7 superyankBet 600.003300.0010915.00weecheez1Raise 1200.004500.007271.68superyankCall 600.005100.0010315.00River Q superyankBet 600.005700.009715.00weecheez1All-in 7271.6812971.680.00superyankCall 6671.6819643.363043.32superyankShowJQ weecheez1Show1010 superyankWinTwo Pairs, Queens and Jacks19643.36 22686.68
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Flop: Really big bet here, I think we can be fine with just letting this go, we gotta be right so often, the times were not right are we really gonna call him down without info? But calling is okay too I think, I would call too probably.
Turn: The turn is a brick, doesnt change much, he elects for a really small sizing this time, I defintely just call this, if we were ahead on the flop we are almost always ahead now, so after calling flop we gotta call, feels dirty if he has a draw were giving him cheap price but were in position and its just def a call. Were not getting better to fold and were not folding out draws, but we allow ourself to be pushed off our hand easily or put us in bad spots.
After raising turn (which I dont like) facing this river bet our 3 options are still there (call/raise/fold). Now if we raise can we be called by worst? Clearly not. So if we raise were bluffing, given the action his most likely hand is a jx. Do we get him to fold jx? Well yeah sometimes he folds jx here, but he will find the call sometimes. Hes not folding Qx and def not folding 2p+. So there is some hands that fold but not loads.
If we call we lose to Jx/qx/2p+. We lose to alot, but we beat all draws that missed or air, if he has it. And were getting like nearly 10-1 on our money.
I would never get to this river in this spot, but given the action, just take your pot odds and call and be right 1 in 10 times
Im not a tourn player, but close to the money most recreational players are likely to tighten up post-flop.
I dont think this turn or river play is ever going to be correct regardless of scenario
Call turn
Call river, it's pretty difficult to be ahead but for 600 we gotta take a peek.
''when he donk bet it i put him on a smaller pair and my all in was to try and push him off''.
You're either way ahead or way behind come the river, so going all in on the assumption he has a smaller pair is kinda pointless; generally they'll call the shove when you're beat and fold when you're ahead.