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Facing a pot-min-pot donk with 2nd pair

shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
edited June 2016 in Strategy
Apart from an old note about oppo 3b shoving AK for 100bb and a number of open limps in the first few orbits, no other notes to add.

As played, would you be calling river here?

Should I even be happy calling flop in this spot?

I see no case for raising at any point, although happy to listen to any argument made for me being incorrect in that assertion.
xxxxxxSmall blind  £0.15 £0.15 £12.53
Fonzo89 Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £21.12
  Your hole cards
  • Q
  • J
shakinaces Raise  £0.90 £1.35 £37.01
daviez7 Fold     
xxxxxxCall  £0.75 £2.10 £11.78
Fonzo89 Fold     
  • J
  • K
  • K
xxxxxxBet  £2.10 £4.20 £9.68
shakinaces Call  £2.10 £6.30 £34.91
  • 10
xxxxxxxBet  £0.30 £6.60 £9.38
shakinaces Call  £0.30 £6.90 £34.61
  • 2
xxxxxxxBet  £6.90 £13.80 £2.48
shakinaces ???


  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited March 2016
    Don't know the outcome but I think you were out kicked with your opponent having AJ he called your three BB raise then liked the flop wasn't so keen on the turn I don't play much cash but I would fold here 
  • mrdaviesmrdavies Member Posts: 475
    edited March 2016
    only thing i would do maybe is... when he min bets 30p, by you flatting you have indicated to him you don't have much hence him firing huge on river? you could make a chunky raise against that 30p bet and he could either A. Flat / check river and you have showdown value if he is drawing and misses or B. If he calls and bombs river you know for sure your beat.

    when he bets 30p i might raise it to £3 ish and see what he does then and on river? />

    Mind, i have only just seen his stack size so its a difficult spot..
  • mrdaviesmrdavies Member Posts: 475
    edited March 2016
    its either a King or jack sh11t
  • mrleemr1mrleemr1 Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2016
    When facing a min bet like this turn I treat it as a check, so play accordingly.

    I'm not folding river tho, usually these player types in these spots often show up with all sorts of stuff
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,962
    edited March 2016
    I'd be inclined to make a £2 raise on the turn.

    He's made the pot donk on the flop then decideds a min bet which is quite odd even with recs, Usually recs will start with a heavy bet and continue  betting strong or they'll min bet the flop and turn aggressive down the line if not Ch MinR.

    This sort of play is normally the signs of a player attempting to bluff. When called he gets concerned and uses the min bet as a way in which he cn attempt to make trips do the raise thinking this is the only thing expected to be raised.

    The reaon I say make it £2 is you should be ensured of only getting called by him no matter what and this will keep you at correct odds over the straight draw if you need it. Most days this will allow more value from Jx but more importantly this will make him unlikely to jam anything worse than river trips.
  • Ronto620Ronto620 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2016
    U need 33% equity to call - if he has broadway u r beating q10 or a10 - 9 + 12 combos 21
    Ur beating pairs3 to 9 - 42 combos 
    63 total win

    Losing to aj,k10,kj,kq,ka,aq
    8-6-4-6-8-12 44 total loss

    If he plays normalish ranges for a bb flat call then its a call on riv?
    If he plays loads aces and kings - in my exp they have it when they show aggresion on paired board- i am stationy tho ��
    If u bet turn- u fold out most hands u beat and should fold riv if he calls bets - is this a spot where we should bet with and without the if we plan to bet or call on riv?

    Getting to riv as is- so opponent based and i would call to invest the money to find out about him- with a lot of decent players it would be a snap fold as a bluff here into our range when we call flop is horrible

  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited June 2016
    What was the outcome of this hand
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited June 2016
    just fold every hand pre, run outside and scream in the face of the next passerby........'poker sucks!!'
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited June 2016
    IIRC he turned up with pocket 10s, evidently had attempted to goad me into a raise on the turn and then got max value out of me on the river when I just couldn't figure him for a Kx in this spot.

    Makes me wonder if I should maybe be betting turn for protection more so in spots like this - obviously folding if re-raised (which presumably was what he wanted to happen) but then I can escape for a turn bet of c. £3-£4 (I want draws to call so can't raise too big) and as said, fold if he turn 3bets or donks pot on river?

    Can't imagine many players will be 3b bluffing turns and if they are and it means I fold a mid-strength hand like this, then wp them.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Facing a pot-min-pot donk with 2nd pair:
    just fold every hand pre, run outside and scream in the face of the next passerby........'poker sucks!!'
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    DTD would be so dull if we all did that though.

    ATC-pre :)
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