I was playing some live poker last night for only the 3rd time, usually i only play tournaments then i go home, but last night i decided to play some cash, i sat down with £100 and after being dealt 2 montster hands had manager to increase that to £180, play continued for an orbit or 2 and it was quite clear despite my early wins that i was the fish at the table.
my question is how long do i "have" to leave it before just walking away? i was uncorfortable 1 because i dont normally play cash games and 2 because i knew that proably 6 of the people i was sat with were better than me, and it was clear they knew it to.
If it's a game that you might find yourself in occasionally, then don't be a jerk and play until its all gone, rinse and repeat every visit.
Love the game.
If it was something they said, then I would be using that as an excuse along the lines of 'fine if you think I am not good enough to sit with you, I'm off' and stand up and leave.
I have had quite some bad experiences playing live and as soon as people know you are an 'internet player' they look down their nose at you.
I had one unsavoury tournament (my first ever in real life) where frankly I was terrified and barely played a hand, something noticed by the two loud mouths at the table. I slowly built my stack and just after the end of rebuy period, they again pointed out I was barely playing a hand.
I look down and have AA so I say 'ok I am all in' at which point everyone at the table called (I was small stacked by now because I hadn't rebought but had more than starting stack and everyone else had been rebuying like crazy, it was a mental table).
I actually flopped trips and rivered a flush, but it gave T4o a straight flush and I was knocked out. The loudest mouthed guy said something like 'these internet players don't have a clue, that's why I always call them with low cards, cause I know they have high ones.'
Sadly he refused to play me at a cash game, he msut have lost plenty at poker.
As pointed out above, I guess times have changed a lot these days.
Way better to make space for a fresh mark to join the table and have a chance for spins than sit with a disinterested nit that is folding every hand to protect their winnings for a few orbits as a token gesture...