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Making main events 1 re-entry?

devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
edited March 2016 in Poker Chat
Like many I really enjoy the main events on Sky, to me they are the most fun to play online. One addition I would love to see would be to make them 1 re-entry ( except ofc wedensday rebuys) I think this would appeal to the majority players, as if they get an early bad beat they can re-enter and it would also boost prize pools - which is good for everyone.



  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2016
    Yes please Tikay, I only posted it here as it was a suggestion - but would be good to get others views.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2016

    Personally (I don't play Online MTT's) that makes a lot of sense, it's the way poker is going these days. would appeal to the majority? Doubt that, doubt that very much.
    The players with the smaller bankrolls would be up in arms, there'd be riots.

    Don't disagree with your idea, no, but appeal to the majority? No, can't see that.

    Why not Post this on the main Board (Poker Chat) & sound out others for their opinion?

    If you wish, I could move it there for you, you just have to say & it'll be done.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2016

    OK, I'll move it across to Poker Chat.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited March 2016

    My instant re-action is that I love the idea. My second re-action is I still love the idea.

    It would be great to be able to re-enter after a bad beat etc... I dont get the opportunity to play many MTTs (which are my preffered form of poker) so when I do there is nothing more frustrating than busting out early from a cooler.
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited March 2016
    My reaction is that I hate it. You knock a player out (after all that is the point of tournaments) and they can re-appear and maybe knock you out later. Just sounds wrong in all sorts of ways.
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited March 2016
    I personally like the idea but.... 

    Is a win for the better players and benefits the regs rather than the recs :) 

    Saying that, any boost to the overall prize pool benefits everyone :) worth a try :) I like idea of adding it to a turbo and the weekend mtt's 

    Would def have to be a re entry not a rebuy or add on though IMO 

    Exciting to discuss 
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited March 2016
    From what I have read elsewhere rec players dislike this sort of thing due to it favouring the regs so for this reason I dont think its a good idea even thuogh for me it would be a good idea. 
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Making main events 1 re-entry?:
    Like many I really enjoy the main events on Sky, to me they are the most fun to play online. One addition I would love to see would be to make them 1 re-entry ( except ofc wedensday rebuys) I think this would appeal to the majority players, as if they get an early bad beat they can re-enter and it would also boost prize pools - which is good for everyone. Thoughts?
    Posted by devil_tear
    as Tikay has already said in a previous post, I'm not sure it would suit the majority,........


    I will throw this one into the mix........ and I'm taking this one from other threads I've read elsewhere, 

    How about Introducing satellites that pay tournament tickets, instead of entries to specific tournaments, that way a Rec who is thinking of playing knows He/She has the required tickets to play on an even playing field with the Regs who would I'm sure welcome it.

  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited March 2016
    I like the idea but it would overly favour the regs as not all recs can rebuy especially those who satted in. Talking of rebuys though I think some £11 rebuy BH's would suit the recs and regs alike. 
  • Sir-GarySir-Gary Member Posts: 1,052
    edited March 2016
    I don't like the idea though I will re-enter myself often. I complained when they first started it, and I complain now,. It favours the big money players the regs, and puts off the recs, this is not good for poker in general as you want to encourage and enhance the experience of the recs.
  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited March 2016
    a big nooooooooooo from me. yes of course it suits the better players. but when i sat into a main as £33 is beyong my bankroll i want a fair crack at it so if matt or me gets the wrong way early in a aa v kk beat then so be it,, thats what makes poker for me, 
    im not a fan of rebuys as i think who ever played the best from 1st to last hand deserves the win not some lunatic thinking he can rebuy so can gamble more. knocking out players with calls they wouldnt make if they couldnt rebuy.

    not sure if you can add a poll mate?
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited March 2016

    I have never understood the reasoning for 1 re-entry in an online tournament for this reason....

    Re-entries were devised in the live poker arena, it was brought in to attract people to travel for big events, many were reluctant to travel 200 miles only to run KK into AA after 20 minutes

    That's a long 200 mile journey home!

    If this happens online, there are hundreds of other tournaments available and no long drive home, as the saying goes       "onto the next one"

    Of course it increases the prizepool and theoritically sites can offer higher guarantees so it has merits

    For it is not a level playing field, I am a low stakes player, I may have won a satellite in to the main event, the thrill of the game is the hope of a big score from a small outlay.

    I have re-entered in live games, solely because I travel 45 mins for a live game and the wife always beats me! To save sitting around I re-enter if available but generally I am against re-entry both online and live


  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2016
    Ok everyone... So i've added a poll in another thread, as I couldnt edit it into this one for some reason. It would be great if you could vote.

    Also keep the discussion going here as i'm really interested to get everyones opinions.

    Thanks to everyone thats given feedback,

  • CxE1CxE1 Member Posts: 204
    edited March 2016
    Im def in the no camp. This favours pros, big bankrolls and thus makes it harder for the average guy/gal. In an ever decreasing market we should take more care of these guys. Some of the bigger sites have failed to look after this demographic to their detriment.

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited March 2016
    I really only play the main events if I sattelite in, but I like the idea of one re-entry. I would be against re buys and add ons (I never even try to play in Wednesdays ME).

    I voted on you poll thread.

  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited March 2016
    I'm also against the idea - both from a cash cost point of view as I have no self control in rebuys - but also from a finishing time point of view.  I love playing the mains on here but really struggle with late finishes as I have work early each morning.

    PS I also try to avoid playing the Wednesday night rebuy for the reasons above.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited March 2016

    defo no.

    i think that it is against the long term interests of newbies, recs, regs and sky poker.  very little by way of short term advantage to any.

    imo guarantees will always adjust to compensate and is not an argument to support re-entries. 

  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Making main events 1 re-entry?:
    defo no. i think that it is against the long term interests of newbies, recs, regs and sky poker.  very little by way of short term advantage to any.

    This is a declarative statement. I'm interested to know why you think it would be negative to everyone.


  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited March 2016

    hi tim,

    to me, a player's very short term advantage is only for the minute after being knocked out.  every other player has a short term advantage that someone pays a second full buy-in and boosts the prize pool.  the consequence of this is what?  if we look only at this one main event then there consequence is positive.  however, if your consider all main events in the future then it changes.

    for one game, if we believe that the ability to re-enter will benefit the better players at the expense of weaker players then the frequency of reward to the newbie, weaker and/or recreational player will lessen.   i believe that this lower win frequency will not provide the reward these groups of players desire and there will be insufficient reinforcement for many of them them to engage with sky poker long into the future.

    as those groups represent the overwhelming majority of players, even a small drop in numbers engaging with sky poker, will result in a massive downswing in volumes.

    the loss is to you, me, sky poker ... and all because one was unhappy to be knocked out of one main event.

  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited March 2016
    I'm also in the no camp it's hard enough to compete with the big guys giving them another bullet is asking for trouble I don't play the rebuys either tried once only to see a few of the players had double the starting stacks I guess this is normal but it leans towards bigger bank rolls 
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