Like many I really enjoy the main events on Sky, to me they are the most fun to play online. One addition I would love to see would be to make them 1 re-entry ( except ofc wedensday rebuys) I think this would appeal to the majority players, as if they get an early bad beat they can re-enter and it would also boost prize pools - which is good for everyone.
Personally (I don't play Online MTT's) that makes a lot of sense, it's the way poker is going these days. would appeal to the majority? Doubt that, doubt that very much.
The players with the smaller bankrolls would be up in arms, there'd be riots.
Don't disagree with your idea, no, but appeal to the majority? No, can't see that.
Why not Post this on the main Board (Poker Chat) & sound out others for their opinion?
If you wish, I could move it there for you, you just have to say & it'll be done.
OK, I'll move it across to Poker Chat.
defo no.
i think that it is against the long term interests of newbies, recs, regs and sky poker. very little by way of short term advantage to any.
imo guarantees will always adjust to compensate and is not an argument to support re-entries.
hi tim,
to me, a player's very short term advantage is only for the minute after being knocked out. every other player has a short term advantage that someone pays a second full buy-in and boosts the prize pool. the consequence of this is what? if we look only at this one main event then there consequence is positive. however, if your consider all main events in the future then it changes.
for one game, if we believe that the ability to re-enter will benefit the better players at the expense of weaker players then the frequency of reward to the newbie, weaker and/or recreational player will lessen. i believe that this lower win frequency will not provide the reward these groups of players desire and there will be insufficient reinforcement for many of them them to engage with sky poker long into the future.
as those groups represent the overwhelming majority of players, even a small drop in numbers engaging with sky poker, will result in a massive downswing in volumes.
the loss is to you, me, sky poker ... and all because one was unhappy to be knocked out of one main event.