As you probably know, this coming Saturday, April 2nd, at 8.45pm, Sky Poker will be running the first Viva Las Vegas final of 2016, with 5 trips to Las Vegas guaranteed.
In readiness for that, there will be a Super Sat on both Friday & Saturday at 7pm. 3,000 starting chips & 5 minute blinds. Entry will be £27.
EACH of these 2 Super Sats will Guarantee 5 seats into the £3.5k Viva Las Vegas Final at 8.45pm on Saturday. In effect, it's close to a £2,000 Guarantee in each of the 2 Super Sats.
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These are now in the Lobby, including the Satellite Lobby & the Vegas Lobby.
The Lobby for Friday's affair is HERE
The Lobby for Saturday is HERE
The Final on Saturday starts at 8.45pm, but the Super Sat at 7pm is Turbo structure, so should be done & dusted by 8.45.