PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind 50.0050.0015536.25WITHOFI596Big blind 100.00150.006710.00 Your hole cardsJ10 Emzb85Fold wsc1960Fold weecheez1Call 100.00250.003732.50longshotmpFold xxCall 50.00300.0015486.25WITHOFI596Check Flop 5J4 xxCheck WITHOFI596Check weecheez1Bet 200.00500.003532.50xxCall 200.00700.0015286.25WITHOFI596Fold Turn 2 xxAll-in 15286.2515986.250.00weecheez1All-in 3532.5019518.750.00xxUnmatched bet 11753.757765.0011753.75xxShow63 weecheez1ShowJ10 River 9 xxWinStraight to the 67765.00 19518.75
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This is a fold on the turn. You have literally no idea what he has cos you limped in. He's made up the sb so his range is big, loads of 2 pair type hands are more than feasible, plus better jacks.
Still have 35bb behind so a straightforward pass and onto the next hand.