Okay guys following a recent post on how to build my bankroll i am now seeking some other advice. I am looking to start playing poker for a Living, i have a bankroll of £500. I am just looking for advice on how i can get started and maybe make a living from Poker? I recieved some great help last time and hopefully i can recieve some great feedback again.
Thanks guys
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2. Get Good
3. ????
4. Profit!
Download Lady GaGa - Poker Face.
wow, thats an eye opener
altho 80 buyins is on the very safe side.
As long as you have living expenses covered i think at least 30 buyins is a good figure.... ofc 80 would be great.
with £500 you can forget it ........ need at least £8k to even consider having a go.
Oh/,,,, and playing for a living can really suck at times....... it's a miniscule percentage that make the mega wads... for the rest it's real hard work grinding with a lot of pressure and necessity to succeed.
Hi i agree with the rest first you need to prove u can make a profit monthly before even thinking about going full time !! and at the moment its not happening for you , your stats are like mine and your roi is -16% hope all works out for you tho just be carefull,
For it not to be scared money for me, I would probably need enough money to withdraw 2k a month for 1 yr without even touching my roll which would hav to be around 50 bi`s. Never going to happen.
I just cling to the dream of building a small roll that would enable me to satellite in to a major tourney, running like god and taking down a 100k payday and pay off my mortgage. lol gl me.
If I was in a different position, ie younger, living with parents or w/e with no overheads and commitments or career or study sacrifices, then yeah, id give it a go.
Jakally is not conservative with his BI estimate, for a full-time profession you have to be able to last out the short term swings, which CAN and WILL sometimes be over 50buyins. I have never felt happier playing poker as I did the day I began playing with 100 BI for my stake level, where none of my decisions were influenced by what money I had on the table (which some of you may say does not happen to you... wait until you have played a multitude of 1000-1600bb pots, every grey hair on my youthful head I can account as a missed combo draw or getting set over setted for 6 buyins).