So I was feeling like a bit of HU cash tonight after watching an old Galfond HU video. Of course I forgot that every single reg that sits HU games is a huge bum-hunter and won't play anyone they know is a reg. I mean I really don't know how they can find poker fun waiting for 4 hours to maybe try and stack a recreational that come joins for minimum buy in. Anyway, after joining 2 tables and the other player refusing to play I try and join a 3rd in the hope that the next reg decides to play me only to be greeted with the message that I'm at the maximum amount of tabels at this limit..... even tho I'm the only one trying to play any poker!!
I can understand not being able to join an empty table if you are already sat at 2 tables but what reason is there possibly to stop me joining a table with another player? It also makes it completely impossible to try and win the tables off people who are refusing to give action since I can only sit at a max of 2 tables allowing all the other reg's to sit at their tables uncontested. Ideally I want to sit at all their tables and get them to quit the stakes so that if a recreational or other reg comes along and wants to play some HU then they can only play me.
And no it might not force action but I can do it to annoy them :P
Morning TB, was a bit busy yesterday, sorry.
I'm not really wised up on this stuff, but it looks like you are falling foul of Restrictions Sky Poker put in place to prevent bum-hunting.
I may be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.
It's really hard to find a perfect system to combat the problem - whatever they do has some negatives, unfortunately.
The point is, I doubt there is ANY fool-proof system to combat the problem. Every solution has inbuilt defects.
To suggest there is a single, clear cut solution is wishful thinking. Every single Online cardroom has the same problem.
It's also rather a shame that the cardrooms get all the flak for the problem, though that's typical poker player thinking- when it's the bumhunters who deserve to be dissed. And yet they seem to escape censure by players.
So, reg's are forced to play each other for a decent period but they get the benefit that if they are willing to play they then get an empty table to sit at. Obviously if the players in the reg pool deem you not good enough then they will constantly sit you and force you to play so that they can have the lobby to themselves. But every day you play you will always have to battle a reg for an hour/X amount of hands before you can get a table to yourself.
I agree with TK's general point though that the site gets too much flak - it was more in response to Ivanovic's point of "most players dislike bumhunters." There are discrete ways of bumhunting, and there are blatant ways of doing it, but both are the same thing and unfortunately, in heads-up it's blatant. That's why it's so difficult to combat from Sky's perspective and that's why some sites have already taken the step to remove the game entirely.
I'd advocate hiding all but one table at a stake. Other tables are available but you have to click a sub-menu to find them.
If you sit out for x number of minutes you are kicked from the table and are barred from sitting that table for x hours
That would mean the visable tables will get the most rec action, and so would be valuable to hold. Maybe valuable enough to battle for.
Only regs prepared to battle for the best tables would get to hokd the valuable highlighted and easily visable table.
Others have to move down stakes or dwell in the less visable tables in the sub-menu.
And restrict the spawning of new tables to a reasonable number