Usually I'll listen to something in the background. Bands I've been listening to the most lately include foo fighters, paramore and blue october.
In all honesty i wasn't sure if it was better listening to music or nothing during a grind. I was contemplating this thread earlier tonight whilst I had foo fighters on and decided to switch it for some classical music. (Beethoven Moonlight Sonata 10 hours so don't have to fiddle clicking on new videos) I actually found myself much more focused with it on and there were noticable improvements in my decision making and concentration levels. it served me well in my games tonight, and its something I'm definitely going to do more in the future.
Usually I'll listen to something in the background. Bands I've been listening to the most lately include foo fighters, paramore and blue october. In all honesty i wasn't sure if it was better listening to music or nothing during a grind. I was contemplating this thread earlier tonight whilst I had foo fighters on and decided to switch it for some classical music. (Beethoven Moonlight Sonata 10 hours so don't have to fiddle clicking on new videos) I actually found myself much more focused with it on and there were noticable improvements in my decision making and concentration levels. it served me well in my games tonight, and its something I'm definitely going to do more in the future. Thanks for making this thread :-) Posted by FeelGroggy
pftt, what improvements. It's not like you won the roller or anything..... oh wait
Well played! Think Percy is correct. Probably why I like listening to LOTR soundtrack and you did well listening to classical. Think anything with lyrics and you end up singing along in your head and not focusing enough!
Usually I'll listen to something in the background. Bands I've been listening to the most lately include foo fighters, paramore and blue october. In all honesty i wasn't sure if it was better listening to music or nothing during a grind. I was contemplating this thread earlier tonight whilst I had foo fighters on and decided to switch it for some classical music. (Beethoven Moonlight Sonata 10 hours so don't have to fiddle clicking on new videos) I actually found myself much more focused with it on and there were noticable improvements in my decision making and concentration levels. it served me well in my games tonight, and its something I'm definitely going to do more in the future. Thanks for making this thread :-) Posted by FeelGroggy
If you like Old Crow Medicine Show then i,d reccomend this documentary film where they tour the states on a train with Mumford and Sons and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. I bought the DVD a few years back but its available on youtube now. Heres a trailor :
me and my mrs have a join itunes account, i just stick that on and hit th random button and let it go, i dont ike most the songs she listens to and buys but im normally to busy to skip song so put up with it
Her name is Tal, very uplifting music although her music does make me want to pour a few drinks or hit a nightclub rather than play poker lol.
Also I guess the 'eye candy' may be a little distracting...