tikay, as you mention a review, can i note a small issue with late registration?
two things are certain. long late registration will get more players. too long a late registration period will put players off entering at the outset. both of these must be true.
however, i think the incremental values of each by, for example, going from 60 minutes to 75 minutes late registration, means that fewer players will play. i think that we have reached a point where adding more time is detrimental. actually, i think we have passed that point of equilbrium and that late registration periods need to be cut.
is this something that can be looked at?
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Thanks Rob, & yes, the whole schedule, & all constituents of it, are currently under review.
look at them differently. nowadays, only 50% register before the kick-off. that's not good and should cause some alarm bells to ring. are so few registering because there is a prolonged late registration period?
looking also at the 26% who register after 30 minutes. surely, most would still register without the need for an extended registration period and are just waiting for the clock to run down.
i am putting forward the notion that there are only a few who are captured with the extra long late reg. however, the quality of the game itself is impaired and consequently might be causing fewer to play. afterall, the clue is there already, only half have registered to play at the outset.
a better sitaution would be to have a maximum late reg period of 45 minutes (or 30 mins or whatever) applied to all games.