For a while now (over a year) I have noticed that although I still manage to turn a profit I have got stagnent and to be honest at a loss sometimes to explain why I have such bad runs. Not all of it can be just a downswing and must be atributited to me. I think too many times I let either my mistakes or...and I dont want to use the word bad luck so from now on that phrase is gone so I'll say bad run outs affect my game.
So, I have withdrawn my funds down to £100 and I am going to see what I can do with it starting at 4nl with maybe some MTTs thrown in along the way at times. My aim is to really try and improve my game and cut out a lot of leaks I know I must have. I will post hands for discussion and feel free to berate or, maybe at times, agree with me. If over a few people can point out leaks that would be great.
One thing I am going to do is try to call a lot less and utilise the raise/fold buttons on more occasions. After reading StayorGo's thread his aim to be the pre flop aggressor going into flops really is an aspect I need to adopt more of. I dont aim to be as aggressive, maybe not yet anyway, but I know I need more controlled aggression in my game. Too many times I have the mantra of 'calling to keep in the weaker range' only to lose because I either let the villian get there or the board runs out and kills my action or many other things.
I really need to improve and stop being either too passive or to much bet, bet, bet just because its automatic. I need to range people better and get into the habit instead of multitabling too many and just playing my hand.
No BR target or limit, just the goal to improve.
2) was the same as 1, but post flop
while this is obviously not going to be winning play long term, i did it anyway, and it was amazing to see the difference it made being highly aggro its improved my play massively in spots
I had a restart at the beginning of the year myself and have begun to question just how aggressive you can be in nl4. tables are jam packed with loose callers, getting into the flop with 4+ players and a number of deceptive. A number of times you'll be the only one with any real aggression.
best of luck
Hand History #1045888741 (19:28 06/06/2016)
Feel free to berate me and tell me where I am going wrong.
Hand 1; Speaks for itself
Aq v 102s this hand nd board is the sort of board you want to pot size bet, top pair and draws will call it anyday and middle pairs or A high aren't likely to give up that easily. you've got a little too weak on the turn because that card is the sort of card unlikely to be in a players range, raggy top pair will be just as intent on calling top pair and draws themselves will still have intention to call. You should make a bet size 3/4pot-pot with intent to fold you need to get as much value as you can from draws and those who miss will hardly ever attempt a bluff especially when it means 3betting.
1010 It's all about how he plays AK . If he only calls then you should just fold your on hand as your not given the correct odd for a set. If he's an aggressive player with AK then you can take it to the flop with the chance of still being ahead and then it just comes down to who cbets the missed AK and who gives up.
The AKvA2v54 played fine just an unlucky beat.
109s I think you may have gone a bit too high on the turn. rather than go 1/2 pot why not go 1/3, smaller turn and river value bets will see middle pairs call down both streets but what's happened here is you've got yourself into a spot where your either way ahead or way behind, 1/2 pot bets might see weak pairs call once but they might be more likely to give up on the river than they would be if you remained lower. You might have AxsQxsJxs all ahead of you but on micro stakes any two spades is possible and some players will go in will sets and two pair so the call is the correct decision
AKvQ7 on boards like this the last thing you want to do is pot bet, even 1/2 pot bet is too high, The board itself has no draws at all just a few gutshots and whilst gutshots will make loose calls they not common as the flush draw and open ended state draw. Your aim is to get all the value you can from weaker pairs and keep in any runner runner flush draws. gutshots themselves will still be getting bad pot odds if they were to call 1/3 of pot and this will keep any 7 Q or runner runner flush draw.
All you've done here force zx and runner runner flush to fold whilst putting off Qx and gutshots. leaving you with a very short range of callers and his raising range is more likely to consist of 2 pair+ that weak ace.