I reckon the picture AJS posted is of the old Sky Poker software taken years ago. There did used to be an option to still use it but I don't know if that's still the case.
I saw a guy post a picture of a different (much Slicker) table layout to the one I currently have on the thread spinups are killing sky poker. How do I get this update? it looks a million times better than my current lay out! ANy help greatly appreciated Posted by Itsover4u
It was taken from October 2009, I was illustrating the difference between Sky now and then.
I have to agree too, that the software was better back then too.
Click the help tab above the chat box, then 'problems with new tables' and you'll be presented with an option to change to old style table layout for seven days.
Click the help tab above the chat box, then 'problems with new tables' and you'll be presented with an option to change to old style table layout for seven days. Posted by raggy94
I have to agree too, that the software was better back then too.