The WSOP Main Event starts today. It will have three opening flights. You just have to guess how many runners it will get in total. Flight three is MONDAY, starting at 11am Vegas (7pm UK), & so you have until then to make your entry. You might get some clues from how many runners Flights A & B get, so you might want to wait until Flight B has finished before making your entry. NEAREST answer gets a £33 Sky Poker Tournament Entry. If we get MORE than 100 unique entries, the prize will be a £110 Sky Poker Tournament entry. CLUE Number of runners in the last 10 years..... 2005 - 5,619 2006 - 8,773 2007 - 6,358 2008 - 6,844 2009 - 6,494 2010 - 7,319 2011 - 6,865 2012 - 6,598 2013 - 6,352 2014 - 6,683 2015 - 6,420 Thread will be locked at 7pm (UK) on Monday. Just a bit of fun, so no arguing please, & plenty of bants. Posted by Tikay10