There is an early limp on Neil's table and a raise from mid position. The guy on the button who Neil has down as the second best player on his table (after him) 3 bets to 8k. Neil is in the small blind with AA.
After much deliberation as to how to get the button to shove on him he makes it 21.6k. Our button obliges and ships his stack into the middle. Neil snap calls and is sheepishly shown JQ off. 4 diamonds hit the board and the villain makes his J high flush.
Neil is somewhat bemused but I admire as the ambassador he went out of his way to get 7 of our qualifiers into the money.
Re earlier post, Ben Vinson just KO'd from the main in 541st. Doubly annoying that it was one place before a ladder which would have netted him another $2150 or so.
Re earlier post, Ben Vinson just KO'd from the main in 541st. Doubly annoying that it was one place before a ladder which would have netted him another $2150 or so. Posted by FCHD
In Response to Re: Live Update, Droplet Day 2 - Ten to Follow : Still going but card dead. On new table 29 silver with c 65k. Looking for a spot... Posted by mattprawn
Just gone out. Was making a move with 85k to steal a nice pot. Had outs but no joy. Queuing now to collect. Enjoy the golf tonight all in Vegas, will catch you soon.
Just gone out. Was making a move with 85k to steal a nice pot. Had outs but no joy. Queuing now to collect. Enjoy the golf tonight all in Vegas, will catch you soon. Posted by mattprawn
Ul Matt - but vwp xxx. Hope you make the golf too but if not enjoy the rest of your time in Vegas xx
Unfortunately very out. With the Aces too.
real credit as an Ambassador.
Go on now and TID.
GL ev1