As it's now the end of July I'm assuming there won't be any August UKPC in Notts this year? If not can I ask if there are any plans in place for ANY live event this year with Sky Poker in the UK?
Just trying to sort out my remaining annual leave at work
Am gutted, totally bereft and unconsolable that there will be no live games from sky, apart from the ones you need a passport for. That was the best thing, apart from Vegas and Punta Cana that people looked forward to, the live UKPC and before my time the SPT. It gave the Sky regs a chance to meet up, have a great game of poker, socialise and a really good laugh. (Even if last time at DTD I ended up at A and E at 2.30 am due to vodka lime and lemonade! poison I say poison lol) plus spending the weekend non stop laughing so I ended up losing my voice. (kids loved it).
I really hope that Sky will try and find a way to get more games where sky players can qualify through sattelites etc as I know quite a few regs would like to have the chance to all meet up again and play live once more under the Sky Poker banner.
Hi As it's now the end of July I'm assuming there won't be any August UKPC in Notts this year? If not can I ask if there are any plans in place for ANY live event this year with Sky Poker in the UK? Just trying to sort out my remaining annual leave at work Posted by IrishRose
Hi Rose,
They are not really in a position to comment yet I'm afraid, but no, there certainly won't be a UKPC in August. It remains to be seen if it will happen at a later date.
There are also some collateral issued here with a clash of dates with some other stuff which has also been planned.
As soon as any decisions & dates are known, it will be made known here & elsewhere.
Hi this sounds good if it happens, if I didn't qualify I would drive where ever to meet up to see some old and new faces, perhaps we could find somewhere Central and meet up anyway say a weekend somewhere with a local Casino, sounds complicated but not impossible ned
Hi this sounds good if it happens, if I didn't qualify I would drive where ever to meet up to see some old and new faces, perhaps we could find somewhere Central and meet up anyway say a weekend somewhere with a local Casino, sounds complicated but not impossible ned Posted by ned17
On another forum which I used to be on (which had comparable traffic) the members used to organise an annual get-together at a casino in Derby. A core group usually turned up and it was very popular, a few people even travelled from Portugal for it even though it was just small friendly MTT's with buy ins ranging from around £20 to £200. So it is certainly possible to do.
The site in question used to send a rep with a few freebies etc.
In Response to Re: Any chance of live events this year like UKPC or even a few Sky SPTS please? : On another forum which I used to be on (which had comparable traffic) the members used to organise an annual get-together at a casinoin Derby. A core group usually turned up and it was very popular, a few people even travelled from Portugal for it even though it was just small friendly MTT's with buy ins ranging from around £20 to £200. So it is certainly possible to do. The site in question used to send a rep with a few freebies etc. If there is a will... Posted by markycash
Seems like an exceptionally smart forum
In seriousness. I've spoken to the cardroom manager at Derby before and he has said he would able to do a comp and food etc if a large group made a definite plan.
In Response to Re: Any chance of live events this year like UKPC or even a few Sky SPTS please? : Seems like an exceptionally smart forum In seriousness. I've spoken to the cardroom manager at Derby before and he has said he would able to do a comp and food etc if a large group made a definite plan. Posted by Jac35
Can count me in as long as the dates are in any way workable.
I know they used to get reduced rates from a hotel nearby too so that is another possibility to keep costs down. The hotel just told anyone booking to use a certain code for like 10-20% off.
If there is interest I could enquire as to which hotel they used etc. I think Derby, although possibly not as glamarous as Las Vegas, is quite central? It would be a little trek for me but as long as I don't have something on I cannot get out of I would definitely make the trip.
In Response to Re: Any chance of live events this year like UKPC or even a few Sky SPTS please? : Uptake for this just gone through the roof :-) Posted by pomfrittes
Get names down quick, we'll have to close the book soon
In Response to Re: Any chance of live events this year like UKPC or even a few Sky SPTS please? : Can count me in as long as the dates are in any way workable. I know they used to get reduced rates from a hotel nearby too so that is another possibility to keep costs down. The hotel just told anyone booking to use a certain code for like 10-20% off. If there is interest I could enquire as to which hotel they used etc. I think Derby, although possibly not as glamarous as Las Vegas, is quite central? It would be a little trek for me but as long as I don't have something on I cannot get out of I would definitely make the trip. Posted by markycash
possibly the most redundant use of the word possibly I have ever seen?
In Response to Re: Any chance of live events this year like UKPC or even a few Sky SPTS please? : possibly the most redundant use of the word possibly I have ever seen? Posted by Phantom66
I really hope that Sky will try and find a way to get more games where sky players can qualify through sattelites etc as I know quite a few regs would like to have the chance to all meet up again and play live once more under the Sky Poker banner.
Please, pleases help.
They are not really in a position to comment yet I'm afraid, but no, there certainly won't be a UKPC in August. It remains to be seen if it will happen at a later date.
There are also some collateral issued here with a clash of dates with some other stuff which has also been planned.
As soon as any decisions & dates are known, it will be made known here & elsewhere.
The site in question used to send a rep with a few freebies etc.
If there is a will...
I know they used to get reduced rates from a hotel nearby too so that is another possibility to keep costs down. The hotel just told anyone booking to use a certain code for like 10-20% off.
If there is interest I could enquire as to which hotel they used etc. I think Derby, although possibly not as glamarous as Las Vegas, is quite central? It would be a little trek for me but as long as I don't have something on I cannot get out of I would definitely make the trip.
Uptake for this just gone through the roof :-)