In Response to Re: forum big brother house 1 / you vote webby the doorman kicks them out / note the vote system in the 1st post in this thread!!! : ello blackfish--this is the tree, wanna stay in dee ouse?--tell everyone that you had to help pokertrevs granny to cross the road, because he refused to help her when she would'nt hand over her bingo winnings for him to play poker with, if you don't do it, I'll tell webby that you enhanced your good looking photo with photoshop and pasted clear skin over your blackheads Posted by oynutter
Misread this and thought it said Pokerstrannygranny...OY NUTTER!!!
ok blackfish is out , down to three, i will start another thread ! clever trev got 3 more votes in 10 mins at 11.30pm - 11.40pm to oust mr black . Posted by IRISHROVER
Will you wait for me on the outside blackfish?
Maybe we could meet up when you get out though for... 'coffee'?