Good morning.
I really don't like deleting threads or posts, but I have had to delete the thread you started last night. You KNOW you can't name & shame on here.
The post was fine until you named & shamed. That is not permitted.
Please don't do it again.
If you see chat abuse at the tables, just report it to CC, or send a PM to Sky Sam, Sky James, or myself, & it'll be investigated & sorted as appropriate.
The post - suitably edited - is below.
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This is the edited version of Nigel's Post.
"....I am the first to enjoy good banter and fun on the tables. But am sick of newbies coming on and swearing and being down right rude on tables.
(not to mention people in the 'in-crowd' talking about hands midhand, like the guy telling someone to call against me when I was all-in).
In short, abuse is here to stay, too many keyboard warriors that feel it is ok to act like this behind a screen.
Best thing is to report them. Always report.
I find the abusive regs on here aren't very good and easy to beat in general, (except one, and I am sure karma will get him).
Be careful though, "let he who is without sin" & all that, as when a player is reported for Chat Abuse, they investigate the complainant too, in case there is history. And that often throws up interesting answers.
In this case, I suppose it depends what we call a "new player", but I'd not describe the player as new. (A loaf of bread that old would be very stale). I can only see his MTT & SNG's on Sharkscope, of course, no idea how long he may have been here playing cash games.
I never respond to those sort of people.
Doubt he will type it again though......
I had a guy last Sunday immediately start moaning the second I sat down about how the site was a joke, the software was rigged, they let x,y and z win and all that sort of thing. I decided to not ignore him and I asked him how long he had played here and why on earth he continued to play?, if he was a winner?, did he consider himself a good player?, had he spent any time over the last few years watching training videos or reading strategy articles? Did he believe that it was possible that some people were more talented than others or some work harder? Those kind of things...he mostly replied to say it was a joke and that it was the worst site etc etc...during the whole time we had the discussion he played around five hands, two were big all-in showdowns one of which was a flip, he flopped a set and he busted two people. By the time I got moved to another table he was chip leader with almost three times the chips of the 2nd person.
I have no idea what he was thinking at that stage...(probably that I'd arranged for him to win a couple of hands to shut him up).
When people do poorly and need something to blame it is much easier to blame the site for being rigged, the colour of their socks, other players, their dog distracting them etc etc than to do the unthinkable and actually employ some introspection and consider they may not actually be playing just as well as they could be.
Punta Cana next stop?