I am still prone to the odd lapse in concentration, which, can lose me a game with a careless push of the mouse.
As I only play one or two tables at a time normally, I left a couple of wins behind , when, on one occasion, playing four tables at once , I got confused and pushed a re-raise on a table by mistake, I was a big chip leader at this stage and should not have been involved at all, I had an ok hand but was scooped and suddenly I was in a position where I had to "play" rather than coast to the win.
In the end I lost that one, close, but I should have cruised to the win in that game. I also have to admit that it affected my play in another game .... badly. I was stupid and bluffed off my stack in double quick time. Now, bare in mind that the game I should have won was a £5.50 game and the game I bluffed away was an £11 game that is a potential £30 profit swing, especially when I bear in mind that was the only £11 game I lost out of the four I played that night.
Overall I think I played ok, I cut and run Sunday night once I had got into a profit, should I have played more?. Over the weekend I had some run good, winning some flips, mainly against Tony it seemed, and I also had some standard beats that you are going to get playing PLO8.
If anyone has any thoughts on my play and would like to share , that would be great.
I really enjoyed the weekend and hope you did as well.
Pompeynic your play sounds very similar to the way I play when I go over one table I tend to find mistakes in one game transfer over to the other games wp on making 500 points and a profit what more can you wish for exempt more points and more profit lol due to personal reasons I never played much over the weekend and missed out on all those lovely points but I was happy that I could switch off the laptop when I was playing poorly there always next time run golden on the tables
how did you do Tony? Did you manage 2000 points? Posted by pompeynic
Nah, came up just shy @ 1,922.
It got to 11pm, & a £16.50 game had 5 regged, but it just could not get 6, so eventually, at around 11.10pm, I upped stumps & called it a day.
That earned me a handsome £28.84 in Rewards money though, which I'm pleased with.
It also put me in the money spots in the Premier League division of the Sky Poker Premiership. Currently I'm showing as £50, but I've used my Joker (2xPoints weekend) & I can't play Tuesday, so that'll drop by c-o-b on Wednesday, but it'll still be £20 or so, or I hope it will.
So all in all, well over £50 in bonuses for last week. That is enough to cover what I actually lost at the tables. Almost.
Great fun, most enjoyable, cant wait to do it again.