4 left £20BH
Villain is good aggro player, has 3bet my opens a few times
I've been opening abit, not a massive amount in general as for a lot of time villain had big stack and guy behind him flatted a lot, I've been a mid stack with lots of small stacks just looking to ladder for a lot of last hour, which has made things trickyfor me. I've openshoved a good few times in last few orbits, inc at least last 2 from SB v villains BB.
CO has~75K, likes to call small opens wide
BTN ~12.5K has been blinding down to about 3BB contninually,keeps staying alive though
Payouts ~ 1st 220, 2nd 144, 3rd 89, 4th 72
So anyone like this line, or do we openshove (I assume raise/foldnot really an option)
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
grantorino | Small blind | | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | 32462.50 |
Villain | Big blind | | 2000.00 | 3000.00 | 27237.50 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
CO | Fold | | | | |
BTN | Fold | | | | |
grantorino | Raise | | 3000.00 | 6000.00 | 29462.50 |
Villain | All-in | | 27237.50 | 33237.50 | 0.00 |
grantorino | Call | | 25237.50 | 58475.00 | 4225.00 |
Also by minr you allow your opponent an extra strategic option, flatting.
If villain is a good thinking player it's not good to offer that option to him