Morning all.
As most of you know by now, Sky Poker are revamping the MTT Schedule. It's well overdue, & has to be done, & once it is all sorted, the MTT schedule here will be better, more logically arranged & timed, & better presented.
So if you have ANY questions, observations as & when changes happen, or, Heaven forbid, complaints, please post them on this thread. The Suits WILL read this thread daily, & if anything major arises during the changes, & you guys let us know, I'll send it straight upstairs.
Doing it this way will be far more efficient for both sides of the table, & help us all - players & business alike - get through the MTT Revamp more comfortably, & I'll happily explain why any particular MTT has been moved, changed, re-packaged or dropped.
It's a 2 way process - the players & The Business, Working together, we CAN make it better. And we will.
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None of the changes that have or will be made are set in stone, & The Business WILL drop a clanger or two along the way, of course they will.
A MTT was dropped yesterday, you complained, & so they reinstated it within the hour. They won't always do this, but if need be, they WILL. This Business listens to it's players more than any other poker site.
So if you have feedback, or want to have a little chunter, fire away, but PLEASE use this thread. Trying to reply to everyone on umpteen different threads is going to be impossible, & won't help you or The Business.
Together, we are going to make the MTT Schedule better.
Yesterday, a £2 Deepstack was moved by 5 minutes, & 4 little PLO8 MTT's were re-scheduled to more sensible times.
The result was 47 posts on 4 different threads. Some of them were quite rude, some folks got pretty angry, many made incorrect assumptions & gave Sky Poker a lecture. It was Curly Lip City.
To a degree, some of this was Sky Poker's fault. Perhaps they should have told us in advance, so we knew what to expect.
To this end, I have written to Sam & James this morning - they bear full responsibility for the whole MTT revamp - & asked them if they could let me know in advance when they plan to change, drop, or re-label things. It's not quite as simple as it sounds, but I hope they will agree. And if they do, any changes will be posted on this thread.
And please remember, if they get it wrong - & they will make a few misjudgements, the whole process is quite complex - things can be changed back if need be.
For now, the little tweaks will continue regularly. And in a few days, the new MTT Schedule will be published. So yeah, it'll get a bit hot in here, but that's OK, & I won't dodge any questions, providing of course they are presented in a civil manner.
Off we jolly well go.
I'm guessing they will NOT be doing that.
They already give Prizes which are not commercially justifiable, as well as all the admin costs & time sorting all the prizes out.
DTD USED to give prizes, but they dropped the prizes, &, at the time, decided to offer "No Reg Fee" instead. It worked out about the same cost, I daresay. That was a one off, for special reasons (and a LOT more players), & I don't see them repeating that gesture.
The O8 players here are a great bunch, but largely, we, the players, have built our own liquidity. I think that's just great.
Generally, I don't ask when I run these things, I just do it. But that one was expensive - around £350 worth of seats given away - so I did ask permission first, & they readily agreed.
The Event got a lot of runners though, so maybe The Business won't want to give away a bunch of money again. I have asked the question though, & if the man from Del Monte say yes, I'll do it.
Talking of MTT Changes, here's one which has sneaked though but not been mentioned by anyone yet - the Guarantee on the Sky High Roller has increased to £10,000 as & from next Tuesday.
Any chance of some 9 handed MTT's, think this is a big opportunity for SKY.
There will be no more £5.75 Bounty Hunters.....
....because they will all become £5.50 Bounty Hunters.
They are currently still being shown as £5.75, but this will change between now & 1st October.
There are so many changes, they are being done day by day, rather than overnight in "one go".
All games with "Speed" in the title will change to "Turbo", for the sake of tidiness & consistency.
Again, this will happen between now & October 1st.
RIP the 5.05 Bounty Hunter.
It has been replaced by the £5.50, "5 at 5" BH which is at.......5pm.
Can't find your normal MTT?
UNTICK the "Regular" Tab & then you will see ALL MTT's.
Explanation follows.
The Lobby is changing, too. This can't be done in one go, it will happen piece by piece, in the next week or so.
Amongst other things, the "Regular" Tab will disappear completely. In it's place will be a Tab which just shows the 8 or 10 biggest MTT's each day.
It's a sort of halfway house at the moment, so for now, the best thing to do is untick "REGULAR" (by clicking "ALL") , & then you'll see all your usual MTT's.
A good example of this was that last night several players could not find their PLO8 MTT's, & we had a bit of a palaver sorting them out.
To see the difference it makes, try going to....
Tournaments > Omaha Hi Lo.
If you gave "REGULAR" ticked, it just shows TWO MTT's.
Click "ALL" instead, & you'll see FIVE MTT's.
All this is just temporary, whilst they move from old one to the new layout. It'll all be in place by October 1st.
Sky High Roller Satellite changes
Not much changed except.....
The £44 Semi Final now Guarantees 5 seats, not 4 as previously.
The Satellites on Saturday & Sunday have been dropped, & will now all be on Mondays & Tuesdays.
Plus, of course, the Guarantee has been upped to £10,000.
You can view all this on the Sky High Roller Promo Page, HERE
Going forward, once the change process has completed between now & October 1st, they will be £5 + £0.50.
And don't ask why they were £5 + £0.75 before, because I don't know, & nor, I suspect, does anyone else. Just one of those anomalies that nobody ever got round to sorting.
As you can see, they really are trying to improve things generally, make the schedule more consistent & symmetrical.
There'll be a few tears & curly lips along the way, bound to be, but I'm absolutely certain that once it settles down it will be, on the whole, better for everyone.
It's no different to when a Supermarket "refreshes" it's stores & moves things around.
My local Tesco did exactly that a few weeks ago, & I saw a woman mentally implode. "If I see ONE MORE THING that has changed or moved I'm going to have a nervous breakdown" she said to all & sundry with a quivering lip. I swear to God, she was near to tears. I go in there twice per week, & I still see her every day, & she's as happy as Larry.
Folks get uncomfy when things change, as we saw here, yesterday, when a few very minor changes were made, such as moving a start time by a mere 5 mins. I do think Sky Poker should announce these things though, hence this thread.
Hopefully the new schedule will include at least one Timed Tournament around the 10pm to 10:30pm slot. When Sky_Dan was about he kindly added the 23:05 every night as my request and I think that now has a guarantee of £300 (was £200 initially). I know they aren't everyone's cup of tea, but a lot of people don't want to be starting a non-turbo tournament later than about 9.30pm for sleep / work reasons.
Looking forward to seeing the new schedule.
All the best
Quite a few changes to BH's, a few more are listed below......
The following £22 BH's will run daily, 7 days per week, some of these were previously weekends only, or intermittent
Noon, £400 G'tee, £22 entry (£500 at weekends)
1500, £500 G'tee, £22 entry
1800, £500 G'tee, £22 entry
2200, £1,500 G'Tee, £22 entry
The 2200 one replaces the one previously at 22.15.
At 22.15, there will be a £5.50 TURBO BH with a £750 Guarantee.