Looks like the wind of change is upon us.
It was good while it lasted.
I blame Orford.
Yes, the community tab has been removed...deleted...extinguished....erased etc etc etc. In its place is a shiny new tab labelled 'Forum'. How are folks expected to find the Community Forum now?
About time too.
No other site calls a Forum "Community", simply because it does not describe what it is.
Big thumbs up from me.
And our community (little c) will be just fine in the Forum.
Plenty more change in the pipeline, too.
The reasons all become apparent if you keep your eyes open.
There is another new tab now, called "Schedules"......
A new MTT Landing Page will go up later, an e-Mail will go out, a special Freeroll, the Lobby has to be changed & revised, all the new MTT's are being slotted into place, changes made to the Forum tabs, etc etc.
At present it is sort of halfway house.
If everyone can just be patient & wait until transition is complete, it will be most appreciated.