Huge favour required if possible. I know this is a long shot at best but I have to try. I was lucky enough to win a seat into Omaha ukops mtt tonight via the rewards fr yesterday but (you knew one was coming) I can't play tonight. Any chance at all you can swap it for Thursday or Friday or Saturday??? Even if it's a lower buy in event.
Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.
I can't answer that Craig, but I've sent it up to James, it's his department.
Hi Craig,
I have heard back from Leeds - unfortunately the long shot never came in as it will not be possible to swap this for another event.
Hi again Craig.
After some toing & froing, it has now been agreed that on this occasion, as a one off, you can swap your seat.
What other UKOPS Event do you wish to play in it's place? Please select any £55 UKOPS XVII event, & it will be sorted.
For the record, please be aware that this should not be seen as a precedent, as Sky Poker really don't want to make a habit of swapping these seats around after they have been won.